Clear Blue Digitals


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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So....I had a weird short and mega light period last time and when I did my CBD it was flashing up while the egg timer was going on 3+...but did settle on 1-2!

Could I be further on that 4+3 weeks or is what is stops on how pregnant we are?

Im so bloated too so may just be confusing this with thinking Im further along but just wondered if anyone had got a CBD saying 1-2 then been further along.....?

Thanks ladies xxx
If the cbd says 1-2 it means your 3-4 weeks Hun!! It's from conception that the test does but we date pregnancy from last af! Hope that makes sence! x x
hCG levels vary massively in early pregnancy (see below) so it's just a very rough guide based on average levels - it's possible that you're further along but for most people it is reasonably accurate :)

Pregnancy hCG Levels

from conception.................from LMP....................(mIU/ML or IU/L)
7 days..................................3 weeks.......................0 to 5
14 days................................28 days........................3 to 426
21 days................................35 days........................18 to 7,340
28 days................................42 days........................1080 to 56,500
35 - 42 days.........................49 - 56 days..................7,650 to 229,000
43 - 64 days.........................57 - 78 days..................25,700 to 288,000
57 - 78 days.........................79 - 100 days................13,300 to 253,000
17 - 24 weeks.......................2nd trimester ...............4060 to 65,400
25 wks to term......................3rd trimester................3640 to 117,000
Thanks Lacey.....Yeah I added the Drs 2 weeks on making me now 4+3 but I just wondered that because I had a really light, mostly brown sludge period last two times could I actually be further along even that the 4 weeks! But its prob just waht the CBD says....xxxx
Oh thanks for that SM...very usefull! lol

Well Im seeing Dr this morning and Mwife on tues.... So havent tested sice getting CBD bfp on sunday bit thought will do one this morning before I go to Drs....and line came up immediately and is as dark as check line, so must be increasing nicely and all going according to plan!

Should I tell my Dr about dodgy light periods last two months then or just off CBD? xxx

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