In an effort to boost our chances, I bought a CB digital OPK this month.....had 4 days of flashing smileys on days 7,8,9 and 10, and then a solid smiley on day 11.
My cycles have varied between 26 and 29 days, and I thought I normally ovulated around day 12-14 (going by cheapy OPKs although I didn't always get a positive).
By some miracle, we have managed to BD on both day 11 and 12 (this TTC is literally the worst possible thing for our sex life!)....have we done enough now, or do we need to BD for one (or more) more day? EWCM has gone, in fact went yesterday, and boobs are sore (this is very early for me, I wouldn't normally notice this for a few days at least, so I'm not sure if that is good or bad!).
I didn't realise that your solid smiley stayed put for 48 hours. Out of interest I tested again today (day 13) and got an empty circle.
My cycles have varied between 26 and 29 days, and I thought I normally ovulated around day 12-14 (going by cheapy OPKs although I didn't always get a positive).
By some miracle, we have managed to BD on both day 11 and 12 (this TTC is literally the worst possible thing for our sex life!)....have we done enough now, or do we need to BD for one (or more) more day? EWCM has gone, in fact went yesterday, and boobs are sore (this is very early for me, I wouldn't normally notice this for a few days at least, so I'm not sure if that is good or bad!).
I didn't realise that your solid smiley stayed put for 48 hours. Out of interest I tested again today (day 13) and got an empty circle.