Chronic back ache

Mama 2 Be

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
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Hi girls :wave: , hope you all had a great weekend.

Anyone else suffering with a constant back ache at the back of their pelvis area. I know its all usual and I'm not concerned but I was just wondering what you were doing to ease the pain.

It's not that I'm already holding a pregnant pose but I have to do that with the hand on the back to ease the pain - I look about 8months pregnant when I do! :oops:

On a seperate note: Oh dear - smell adversion to people with bad breath! I can smell it from across the office. :puke: :puke: :puke:
I've been stuffing a pillow behind my back when I sit down and that tends to ease it...or leaning forward and touching my toes tends to give some relief, although it does make me look like a prat :lol:

I've noticed bad breath too, esp my hubby when he's asleep and he's facing me! :puke: Bless's morning breath but it's icky! :rotfl:


I get the pelvic aches and hips.

I had the lower back last night, mainly at the bottom of my spine.

You need to sit right or it will make it feel worse.

As for the bad breath oh god :puke:
Ok I'm now sitting with a rod up my back. Shoulders back, neck straight (I look mental)! :lol:
Tried with a pillow last night but it seams to be if I sit still in the same position for too long it gets worse and on the other hand if I over do things I get cramps in my tummy! :( Put our Christmas Tree up yesturday and had to sit down for a good while afterwards!

Hubby has been doing his fair share of back rubs - bless him.

Bad Breath: Why does she insist on talking to me?? :puke: :puke: Bit concerned because I seem to be saying what I think these days so I'm really tempted to say 'Any chance I can offer you a mint to get rid of that terrible breath that you keep breathing on me???' :angel: :twisted: Thankfully I have no mints otherwise I could get myself in a bit of trouble!

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