Chord cutting - ur opinions please :o)


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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0 Ive git the midwife coming round tday t do my birth plan.
Ive read that one if the questions they ask us.....' will dad b cutting the chord?'
So I asked hubby t spend the last week thinkibg abt it. He has said no this morning n I feel really dejected.
He us sqeamush...but I just thought hed b honoured t do it for his child. its just really shocked. He sed he might change his mind on the day but doesnt want t promise anything.

Wats everyones opinions n have u had the discussion yet with OHs?

He said he hadnt really had time t tnk about it. I know my.mum wd love t do it for her first grandchild n yet she isnt a birthing partner x

Its just left me feelin like he doesnt care....or mayb its my.hormones....i just thought all dads did it n wud jump at the chance x
My Husband is squeemish with surgery for some reason, He has said he will cut the cord but may back out if he can't. He also said if i get sent for a c section he will come in but will not be looking at anything to do with the surgery side of it.
Just put on your birth plan you want them to ask your OH if he wants to, that will give him chance on the day to say yes or no, i think he wouldn't be squeemish after watching how much you have to go through to give birth xx
My hubby said definitely no untill we did out anti natal classes and all of a sudden he wanted to do it, think they need to get round the idea of it all maybe leave that bit blank and see if he changes his mind!!
When I asked my hubby he had no real preference either way. Don't think he sees it as a big deal, and said he would rather be guided by the professionals. To be honest, I am happy for him to do what he is comfortable with at the time. Wouldn't want him to feel forced into doing something that he doesn't really have a strong desire to do. will probably say to give him the option on the day and leave it to him to decide.
My OH said no too!! Tbh I'm not sure I would want to do it either lol xx
Mine will not do it for anything in the world. I think I'll be beyond caring by that point though!
Awww ladies i feel loads better now..thought it was just craig....yey....he's not an ogre afterall....lolxxx
My hubby has said no aswell and I really don't blame him I don't think I'd do it! X
My DH has also said no. I think I too will be past caring by then, and he may well change his mind when it actually comes to it so I'm not too bothered.

I do want them to make sure the cord has stopped pulsating before it it clamped and cut tho.
i was my mums birthing partner along with her husband and he is uber squeamish to the point where he passes out at the sight of blood and he said no to cutting it so i did the honours and he actually watched and didnt pass out...result!! x
In our hospital no one else is allowed to cut the cord anymore. Apparently there was an incident years back where a father accidentally snipped baby so they stopped it.
If you can at least leave the cord til it has stopped throbbing, up to 25% of a babies oxygenated blood can be in the placenta when they are born and it can be scary and damaging for them to have this blood supply cut prematurely x
My husband and I talked about it the other day and he isn't bothered either way which is fine with me, I don't thinnk he will do it as I don't think he feels its a big deal (which it isnt really for me either) - I wouldn't worry hun, you never know he may change his mind in the end and if not then there will be a gorgeous little bundle to cuddle and you wont even remember you were worried about it x

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