Choosing baby names too early.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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If you chose names too early, in a matter of weeks for example. Is that jinxing the whole pregnancy and asking for a disaster?
No not at all.
If something was to to happen it will happen weather or not you choose names. Many woman have names pick out before getting pregnant (i do lol) I dont believe in jinxing it. :) What will be will be
Best of luck :)
We had Jack's name picked while we were still trying for a baby! He's fit and healthy and I had a problem free pregnancy too :) x
I had M's name picked out almost straight away it was the only name that fitted My pregnancy was fine and she was born healthy x
I don't think it's jinxing the whole thing... As has been said already, if something is going to happen, it will happen regardless.

As for me, I didn't want to start thinking of names until I knew the sex, because I thought that if I picked a boy's name and a girl's name, I might prefer one of them, then I might have a preference of the sex of LO. So I waited until I knew I was having a little boy, and OH and I have come up with a name we both love. Now I can't imagine calling LO anything else when he's born!

If anything, picking names so early on just makes you go off them, well it did in our case anyway. We were CERTAIN if our LO is a girl she'd be Lacey Summer until about 4 weeks ago and we just went off it :-(

I still love the name but because we said it so much and there was noone to associate it with and the convo's we were having were "If it's a girl she'll be X but if it's a boy it'll be Y" it just started to not feel right.

We now have a boy & girl name picked out (two of the girls on here each have a LO by the same name) but I haven't wrote it down on here as I don't want to jinx myself from a finding a name point of view!
We picked our names ages ago - although the boys first name keeps changing! We had been tryin for over 2 years so had plenty of time to think!!
Hubby and I have been discussing names for a while now and we only started ttc in July
I don't think so :) We called her Grace before we knew she was a girl and not long after I found out I was pregnant. xxx
It's not really unlucky, if something awful were to happen , then it's lovely to have names too for rememberance etc (sorry to be gloomy , but sure you know what I mean).

My youngest son Devon was my boys name from 2002 9 years ago when I had my daughter Briony - she was to be Devon, so we knew after all those years it was right to have the name. I lost my pregnancy trying for Devon or a girl , so we decided to keep going with Devons name rather than to retire it for the lost baby, and it's perfect for him.
I agree with Jenny, picking a name too early is a recipy for disaster as you do change your mind! We picked out Rose as it was my grandmothers name and made the mistake of telling her. Then changed our mind! Husband suddenly decided that as it was a Christmas baby he wanted to call it Holly if it was a girl. He went off Rose totally!

Thankfully it stopped being an issue the moment we found out its a boy! The only problem now is that we have 2 girls names but no boy names, doh!
i had madisons name picked like 2 years before i had her, i did try thinking of others but kept going back to it lol xxx
I'm WTT and already have a boys name picked out! To be honest it's the only boy's name that I like so it's obvious that when I have a baby, if it were to be a boy then that's what it'll be called. I also believe that whats ment to be will be.

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