

Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Omg, I can't stop eating chocolate, whats wrong with me!! :lol: :whistle: Is anyone else the same??

I probably have at least a bar of chocolate a day (at the very least :wall2:though quite partial to the big bars of choc) or I make crispy buns and devour them!! Blump is already a big baby (head on 90th percentile and tummy above it) and starting to worry that this will be making him even bigger!!! I've been checked for gestational diabetes and I was fine. (I've got another growth scan next week)

Anything I can do to try and curb this? Is it really bad for baby? I try to eat quite healthily the rest of the time and I also have started to drink more water instead of juice etc. I had been doing quite well weight wise but at this rate I'll be ten tonne tessie in no time :whistle:
I craved chocolate and sweets with my daughter, I did pile the weight on as well! I've been off chocolate with this one though. I sometimes have a hot chocolate made with a couple of squares and skimmed milk, gives you that kick you crave but better for you. You can also try freezing chunks of chocolate so you have to suck them so they last a bit longer. Dark chocolate is better and you cant eat so much of it in one go! Baby should be fine but remember your caffeine content as chocolate counts towards this too!
Hadn't even thought about caffine, I went off tea and coffee in 1st tri and think I've had two cups of tea since, just doesn't appeal to me anymore.

Like the idea of the hot chocolate will have to try that one :)
my cravings have changed over the course of my pregancy, i had a mad sweety craving for 1 month, then went off that, and craved grapes. now i crave cereal!
i wouldn't worry too much, one bar a day isn't too bad, just make sure you go for lots of nice walks to burn it off, hehe
and maybe in a week or two you won't fancy chocolate anymore.
At the risk of sounding stupid, what is a crispy bun?
I craved chocolate too! It had to be milka chocolate :lol:

I'm sure bubz will be just fine, he/she will take all the goodness from other foods you're eating, they leave us with the rubbish!! lol xxx
At the risk of sounding stupid, what is a crispy bun?

I wondered the same!! x

Lol maybe that's just what we call them at home. Not sure what they would be called in england?

It's just melted chocolate mixed with either cornflakes or rice crispies, sometimes I don't even let them cool down before I eat them. I normally spoon them into little bun cases and chuck them on the fridge to harden (if I haven't eaten them straight from the bowl first lol)

So bloody tasty!!!!

Ah, they're rice krispie or cornflake cakes here. I LOVE these!
Ahh rice crispy cakes! Oh I love these, want some now!
ahhh i'm craving rice crispy cakes now!!! haven't had them in ages! xx
oh damn it... need to go make chocolate crispie cakes!

yum yum yum
Mmmmmm delicious! I keep eating chocolate orange ice's divine!
I can just picture us all now making them and eating straight from the bowl with a big spoon lol

I also today, worked my way through half a box/container of celebrations, a friend came over with them last night, once there gone I think I'm going to have to ban chocolate from the house (but obviously I need to eat these ones first......)

I try not to buy anything so I dont have chocolate at home but its bloody hard. Had a rasperry muffin in a cafe today and not eating any more sweets!
My oh just bought me home a double chocolate gateau with double cream!!! Mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!

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