chocolate and tap water...


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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was just wondering do you get cravings throughout your pregnancy? my new one is chocolate. ive never been a fan of it cos my dad used to work for mars as i was growing up and would come home with bags full of it and i think i was the only kid at school that hated chocolate. i dont mind it now but the past few weeks ive just been craving it and been trying to stay to one bar a day as i heard chocolate is bad for you because of caffeine which ive stayed clear off. but its soo hard. also ive been trying to steer clear of tap water but i love water and when i run out of mineral i do have a few glasses i heard that its not ideal during pregnancy and have tried to drink juices but my teeth are starting to go bad. anyone know what the rules for chocolate and water are? x
Hey Hun think it's up to 200mg caffeine a day so u could have 2 cups of tea and a bar or 2 of chocolate and be fine? I try to drink de caf tea and the odd but of chocolate and swap it for sweets so I'm not as worried. Midwife told mental water I'd fine in moderation as long as it's clear running not cloudy water or u cud get a water filter to make urself feel better? Do they have a home bargains near u? They do bug bottles of mineral water for 90p so I stock up! Water Is so good for u and baby x
Hmmm I conveniently forget about the caffiene content when I fancy some chocolate :lol: I read that it makes the amniotic fluid taste sweeter and baby likes it (aparently it makes for more content babies later)

and as for tap water - that's all I ever drink, (too tight to buy mineral) we've got the best tap water in the world so I'm sure it's safe certainly never heard or read anything saying to avoid it.... :dance:
A little bit of what u fancy is fine Hun I am addicted to m&m's he he
thanks for the messages. was actually thinking of getting a water filter might just have to do that. ive been drinking loads of herbal tea obv decaff. actually quite like it. i have spoke to my midwife and she did say its ok but its up to the person. people just dont like the idea of it passing through someone else. but bought a whole loads of bottled water from tesco. they were doing them for 14p went a bit mad lol as for the chocolate im glad im not the only one. but have been kinda moving onto flying saucers. swear this kid is gonna have a sweet tooth. my oh things its gonna be massive :-s x

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