Chinese gender Prediction Charts - true?

WRONG! for me! AND i gave birth on my due date too so it wasnt anything to do with that! i even worked out from my original due date (LMP) which was 11 days earlier, it still said boy.

i ALMOST believed it, after working it out for me and my younger sister and my mum's conception dates with us, which both said girl, then i did my older sister's 3 daughters and worked out her conception dates and the first 2 said girl- but her youngest said boy, so i wasnt 100% convinced! and mine said boy but iv got a girl so i dont believe them at all! may as well flip a coin, lol.
Got both wrong for me, if this one is a girl that is, they never give 100% :lol:
Was right for me on my son's conception and saying am having a girl this time which is what i feel i am having so will let u know come november :lol:
It was the opposite way round 4 me.

it says im having a girl but im team blue and it said my daughter should have been a boy!!! :?

i couldnt check my first as it doesnt go back far enough. :(

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