Child & Parent Parking Spaces


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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Went to Sainsburys earlier, parked in mother & baby space and done my shopping came out and was unloading and this bloke pulled up, jumped out and headed of to the store so I called after him "you do know your supposed to have a baby to park here" and he said "yeah but I'm just gonna be quick innit" so I said it didn't matter and would he park in a disabled bay (he said no) so I said that mother & child spaces are just as vital to a parent as a disabled bay is to a wheelchair uses type thing, anyway big debate but I won, he actually apologised and moved his car. The second he did this other idiot pulled up and done the same so I started again and boy I got some abuse for even trying, he was f'ing and blinding at me and saying I wasn't the f***ing Sainsburys police etc so I said "ok" and phoned the store (number was on the till reciept) reporting him and his registration number 2 minutes later he was back moving his car calling me even worse names than before. Hey sticks and stones right, at least I feel I've done my bit for mothers today!!!

The idea of having a mother & baby parking permit badge (like a disabled badge) is an excellent idea and the sooner it's introduced the better, might deter idiots like the 2 I was having my arguements with today.

So many people ignor it but it frustrates the helll out of me when I cant get parked in one because I've seen someone just "nipping in" for something type thing.

I expect you have all encounted something like that but just had to share anyway.
:clap: :clap: Well done you :clap: :clap:

I'm always too much of a chicken to say something, maybe I will next time :D
Nicola said:
The idea of having a mother & baby parking permit badge (like a disabled badge) is an excellent idea and the sooner it's introduced the better, might deter idiots like the 2 I was having my arguements with today.

they have them at our tescos (i think it applies to all tescos), but it means bugger all as they don't 'police' them!

Ive said things before to people, just be told things like "why should i move, just so you wouldn't have to walk further". looking back i wish i had come up with a better response than "not at all, you old hag" :wink: :rotfl:

even if they made the larger spaces further away from the door i would still use them, as it kills my back leaning into the car to unplug alice when i don't have enough space to fully open the door. :roll:
Our Tescos admitted when we complained that they can fine people for not correctly using the M&B spaces but they dont enforce it.

Now you can see how mad I get at my MIL eho drives around with a baby seat in her car so SHE can park in M&B spaces when I asked her why she said "Ooo they are so close to the door its great!"

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
:cheer: :cheer: go you!

I don't think it's about distance - i think i'd be happy if they were a little further from the store - providing there is a safe way to get there and lots more room!

It bugs me when people abuse the spaces! I've NEVER parked in one and I just wouldn't do it unless i had a kid (which i will soon!)
well done you!!!! i HATE it when people without kids park in those spaces - its just so rude :x :x :x
Hooray for you!
That's brilliant!
It absolutely drives me crazy how many people park in the mother and baby spaces when they don't need to.
If I ever say something, I always get attacked by the other person. It's awful.
Once (think i posted on it at the time) there was a bloke in a mother/baby space and when I told him he shouldn't be there, he told me he was the store security guard and his life was in danger so he had to park near the entrance!!!!
I asked for the store manager and he told me he was outraged and it would be dealt with through their disciplinary process.
It drives me nuts too when people park in the M&B spaces when they don't have kids. I'm too much of a wuss to say anything though, but I do keep a pad of paper and a pen in the car.
If I see somebody parking in one, I wait until they go into the store, and then I write something along the lines of "This is a Parent and Child shop. Unless your child is invisible, it would appear you don't have one. Next time try being more considerate and parking elsewhere" and I stick it under their windscreen wipers.
Fluffy Bunny said:
:clap: :clap: Well done you :clap: :clap:

I'm always too much of a chicken to say something, maybe I will next time :D

I second that!!

Good on you for standing your ground though Nicola!!
My local tesco has just had a make-ove including car park, and now the M&B spaces are a few rows back from the front, as are the disabled ones. I personally think its to deter people from using them when they dont have good reason. Plus now when i park i always manage to get a spaceright next to the doors!!

I think if i have Tally id use the M&B ones, whats a few extra steps for that comfort?
Well I'm pleased to know I'm not the only one it annoys. I'd happily park at the back of the car park in M&B spaces if that's where they were and walk down, it's not about the closesness to store issue but the space to get the car doors fully opened and get LO in and out without bumping doors, heads, stuggling etc.

Ok this one time I told an old couple off for parking there (they were kinda old but it's the same point) and so little old woman got out and went into the store while little old man moved the car....felt bad about that one but still the M&B spaces are not the only isle close to the store and I kinda justified that as in if they couldn't walk properly etc they would have had a disabled badge.

Most of the time if I see it happening in the space or two around me I'll say something, maybe if enough Mum's said something it would deter them, who knows but I loved Nat's idea of writing them a note to pop under the wipers, I'll remember that for the odd time I can't say anything!! :)
People like that bug me, but like others have said I'm too scared to say anything..We don't even use them half the time cause we do our shopping online, if we do go to the supermarket we'll park in a normal space and one of us will stay in the car with baby so we don't use up the spaces for people who really need them.
There are some selfish b*ggers in this world, if they ever needed a M&B or Disabled space and somebody was using them unfairly these people would be the first to kick off!! :x
I don't have much to add (as I've only just realised that we can actually park in these spaces now haha) but want to say well done you for speaking out.
1sttimemum said:
Fluffy Bunny said:
:clap: :clap: Well done you :clap: :clap:

I'm always too much of a chicken to say something, maybe I will next time :D

I second that!!

Good on you for standing your ground though Nicola!!

i live in london , im deffo too scared to say anything ! id prob get shot :rotfl:
Well done you. :clap:

What I hate is when the driver has a teenage passanger and parks in those spaces.

I beleive they should have age limits on them. There is really no need to use one of those valubale spaces for a 9 year old. x
oh my god it makes my blood boil when people park in these spaces when they have no child with them... in my local store there are only 8 spaces so it's a fight to get one anyway.

I've had to park in a normal space before now only to witness a woman park her car in the last mother and baby space and then get out with her son who was about 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: She's lucky I didn't break her sodding ankles with my trolley...

Yesterday I parked in a space outside Boots and an elderly couple parked in the M&B space next to me because it was closer to the door than the disabled space :shock: :shock: I didn't say anything but you just know that they'd be the first to complain if it was the other way round
Well done for speaking out Nicola- You've got some balls there :lol:

As others have said, I hate it when ppl park in M&B spaces with no/older kids, I hate it even more when they park in the space and the effing kid stays in the effing car!!! :x
Well done! Matt and I are very good at making rather loud comments at idiots like that.
DebbieM said:
Well done! Matt and I are very good at making rather loud comments at idiots like that.

So is my dh and I! were very vocal and grass people up so they get fined! evil i know :rotfl:
I wish they would get rid of mother and baby spaces to be honest and just make all the car parking spaces wider!

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