Child internet abuse.. please light a candle


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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The innocent victims of Internet child abuse cannot speak for themselves.

But you can.

With your help, we can eradicate this evil trade.

We do not need your money.

We need you to light a candle of support

The more candles we light, the more powerful our voice becomes.

This petition will be used to encourage governments, politicians, financial institutions, payment organisations, Internet service providers, technology companies and law enforcement agencies to eradicate the commercial viability of online child abuse.

They have the power to work together. You have the power to get them to take action.

Together, we can destroy the commercial viability of Internet child abuse sites that are destroying the lives of innocent children.

Kindly forward tell your friends, relatives and work colleagues so that they can light a candle too
i lit one, something has to be done to stop this sick, evil abuse that goes on all around the world.
I just lit a candle.
I think its terrible what lengths perverts will go to, to get their kicks. There was a debate on child internet porn on a radio programme the other day. Someone from the Police actually said that not everyone who looks at it should be punished for it :shock: what B******S, they know what they are going to look at and should therefore be punished for it.
It's disgusting and we need to do what we can to protect all these innocent children.
I did too and forwarded to link to all my friends.

Did you read it? AS YOUNG AS 3? WTF is the matter with these people?!!!
Lit one. It's totally beyond me where these filthy animals get off.......
Thanks girls.. keep spreading the word and get these awful sick *******s off and away from our kids!

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