Chemical Fumes exposure!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2006
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Well I had the day from hell on Saturday. We decided to take the camper van to my Mums about 50/60 miles a way and drop off a load of stuff for her to look after while we move untill we find space for them. OH was upfront with Noah windows open while I was sitting at the back above the engine.
The journey was going fine till the last 5 miles when we noticed a burning smell. I found that when I breathed it got the back of my throat and it was a nasty chemical taste, I had to hold my top over my mouth to stop some of it. I looked out the rear window and saw a little smoke, ut it was hard to tell if it was something bad or just exhaust fumes. We also at this point found that we were loosing power in fourth gear, till we had no power at all. We turned off at our exit and when we stoped at the roundabout at the bottom and found we could hardly start again, we pulled over, OH jumped out and discovered that the rear breaks had binded on, and the break pads had caught fire on the wheels! Luckily all classic cars by law have to carry a fire extinguisher, so out it came and OH put it out. We panicked about what the hell to do. Luckily we were only about 1/2mile from my mums house, so OH nursed the van there in 2nd gear with his hazards on. But I decided to walk and carry Noah, so as not to expose us to any more fumes. The breaks caught fire again in that short journey and it was all extinguised at the end, but was all very scarey as the wheels and axel are situated right by the fuel tank and flames were licking at it, which I wasnt told till afterwards.
We have left the van in my mums garage to e sorted later and she ran us home. Luckily OH and Noah were in the frot cab with windows open and not really exposed, but I was in the back being gassed out for about 15mins! Aparently the dust on break pads contains aspestos and is very toxic.
OH feels just awful at exposing me to those fumes in my current condition. (No smoke was coming in the back it was just the smell) I have told him not to worry as I dont want him to feel any worse than he already does, and there was nothing he could do anyway, but secretly Im terrified that I may have harmed the baby, and if it is harmed how I will feel towards OH and how it would affect us.
I dont know the likelyhood of harm having bein done, and how I would know if it had at this stage, Im just really worried :(

Sorry for the long rambling post, I dont know if anyone has any usefull info? But thanks for listening.
i though they weren't allowed to use asbestos any more.. i no nothing about brake pads.
I'm sure you wil be fine, just get lots of fresh air now.

Glad every one was ok, sounds like it could have been a lot worse.
:hug: :hug:
Oh dear! Glad u guys are okay it could have been much worse!!
Have it checked at the gp if u feel crappy? Do u feel anything? :hug:
why dont you ring your docs or mw for some advice? they may be able to help you and put your mind at rest.... x
why dont you give nhs direct a call hun and see what they ahve to say maybe they can put your mind at rest hope you are all ok xxxx
Well I have just been doing some internet research, and it would seem that Im exposing this ub to millions of chemicals every day from cleaning products, toiletries, car fumes etc etc which I didnt really think about!
After looking at the asestos thing, its the particles that become airborne which arnt good, and I was in the van, with no way for the fumes themselves to get in, so smike got in, so I think this is good. I feel fine and havent had any illness from it. I think really the chances of it having done anything are very slim. ut I feel that should I find at the scan that something has gone wrong, I will think it is from this incident, even if it isnt if you know what I mean.
Aww hun i know what u mean, dont stress urself out thinking about it, u have ur scan soon dont you?
A week tomorrow. Im all the more anxious now, esp with the people who have had such bad news at scans recently. I feel I would lame OH now, if the news was bad.
Aw bless my fella, he called to say he had been really worried and done a load of internet research, apparently they stoped using asestos in brake pads 7 years ago, and we have had them chaned since then. So I have not been exposed to anything to serious, just burning smell!

Im sure your fine i think its just prolonged exposure to things like that

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