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the sickness has started :(

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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right on queue. i'm 6+4 and most books and online say sickness kicks in at around 6-7 weeks :(

went out yesterday morning to see friends, we were sitting around a tree in a park and we made a toast to a dear friend we lost last year. when we made the toast we stood up and ended up standing up for ages speaking about him. after about 15 mins i felt like i was going to get sick and pass out, luckily i sat down had some water and it went away.

for the rest of the day i felt so sick and last night - it finally arrived (TMI) - in a big way!!! :sick: woke up this morning and feel sick again!!

i bloody knew i would get it, i get all the colds, coughs, flu's etc whenever they are around :roll: i hope it goes soon!

anyone else? xxx

Edit: and by the way, the thing that actually tipped me over the edge last night was painting my nails!! i inhaled the fumes and that was it, i was running to the bathroom. sods law as my nails look great at the moment!!
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its annoying more than anything. once i threw up (TMI) i felt fine after!

funny thing was, my OH cooked last night (he never cooks) and when i said i felt sick he was really worried he had done something wrong bless him lol! xx
I feel sick when I am led down but not standing up at the month but I am a week behind you
Hope it don't last too long x. I've only just started painting my nails again, horrible smell!
well if this is of any consolation, the sickness means that everything is going well, and the right amount of hormones is being produced. If you didn't get any sickness at all, this could be a bit worrying!

I hope it goes soon for you hun xx
I feel your pain :o( I started feeling rough on my birthday 5 +4 and was sick everyday for a week, seem to have learnt my triggers a bit now tho, and felt fine yesterday.
I force breakfast down as soon as I get up, even if not hungry and that helps staright away. I also feel not letting myself get too hungry is good, if I have to have dinner late I have to snack all evening otherwise I feel to rough to eat. Bland food is good and sweet things really work for me so I've been making smoothies and having ypoghurt as really don't feel like cooking at all. Sherbet lemons are also good! Hope some of this might help xx
Oh Hun, hope it gets better! I was saying to the OH last night that I think I'm about to get it, I keep feeling a really mild nausa for literally just a minute when I'm either hungry or about to eat, so think I'll be joining you soon, I'm six weeks tomorrow! Good luck, I've heard Ginger is meant to help Xx
thanks girls. NatC i have been getting literally a wave of nausea for the past week or so, it comes and is gone again in less than a minute. i was thinking i was lucky and might just get that. anyway, last night might have just been a one off! xx
Lettie, lemon drops were suggested in my preg book so i'm gonna pick some of them up today thanks xx

I feel so bad for you, its really horrible isn't it.

Mines started at 5 weeks, and was why I ended up taking a hpt in the first place (although we were trying, all came back bfn)

I have to be honest and say it was pretty bad, had it basically all day every day untill around 10 weeks.

The worst thing you can do is not eat, I found it got worse when my stomach was empty.

Hope it gets better soon
Aw hun u poor thing... hasnt kicked in for me yet which Im surprised about as neary every female in my family suffers from it so I think its just a matter of time!

Started to feel sick before breakfast every day now :/ And I kinda feel better after I eat, but getting a whiff of breakfast before I tuck in makes me want to throw :(

Started to feel rather sick at night time too. When my mum was pregnant with all three of her children, she felt nauseous but was never sick. I only hope I follow in her footsteps :p

Hope you get better soon hun xxx
thanks tiff! lets hope you're lucky! i get nausea in the morning before i eat but it seems to get worse at night! xx
Thanks hun, I had a shower earlier and felt very sick :( thought I was going to vomit in the shower!
Had a meal earlier too and felt sick whilst eating it :(
Bought some ginger biscuits from Asda which I hope will help me whenever I start to feel sick :)
yeah i'm going to get some ginger sweets and some lemon sweets tomorrow, any excuse for sweeties right!? xx
Hiya. Just wanted to say my the morning sickness started for me at almost 6 weeks (right after I went and had a scan because i had no symptoms!) and hasnt stopped! I've been nauseaus all day every day (but not actually sick) for over a week now. I can't stand it. My husband cant cuddle me in case i'm sick, I cant stand up too quickly, and we cant have any meat in the house because i can smell it. I'm drinking buckets of lemon and ginger tea as it is the only thing that helps. I have gone off a huge amount of food (anything creamy like coleslaw makes me instantly sick), but mostly I cant cope because i have to sit at work pretending to be fine whilst I quietly burp and my stomach heaves. Gah!
My sickness has kicked in with a vengeance too! If I don't keep a grape in my mouth at all times (I'm really not joking) the urge to vomit is huge!!

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