Checking cervical fluid - advice please!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2018
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Hi there

I was wondering what different types of cervical fluid that there are and what does each one mean?

Thanks 😁
The one your mainly looking for hun is egg white cm it's called egg white because it looks like raw egg white kind of and it stretches between your fingers that means it's time to get baby dancing
Egg white is pretty clear and stretchy between the fingers.

I found Google had some good pictures and articles showing the different types through the cycle x
Yea it's mainly clear hun I tend to get the white (school glue) cm after ovulation . I get watery clear but not stretchy when I'm approaching fertile window
Can u just check it using toilet paper or do you have to use fingers?
The first fertile stuff you'll get is like lotion. It can help to feel the texture if it doesn't gross you out. It's smooth. It's called creamy CM. Then it gets slippery and then stretchy. You may get it when you wipe or can feel just inside your vagina with clean hands. The first EWCM is often a bit pink and thick. You want it clear and stretchy really. You can get up to 6 days of EWCM and then after ovulation it goes thick, dry and white. You can ovulate during the EWCM phase or the day after.
Can u just check it using toilet paper or do you have to use fingers?

So around ovulation I would get EWCM, which was stretchy and creamy like consistency, I would notice a small blob in my underwear then knew it was defo time to :bd: around ovulation you will just notice it, I used to get excited as it was a good sign for me :dance:
So got a positive opk and checked my cervucal fluid. Now know what the egg white CF is. Very stretchy. Plus my hormones are raging lol. Normal to feel like that when ovulating?
So got a positive opk and checked my cervucal fluid. Now know what the egg white CF is. Very stretchy. Plus my hormones are raging lol. Normal to feel like that when ovulating?

Yep...completely normal. I usually feel like picking a fight with my OH....not helpful! You'll get more sensitive to your hormonal mood swings...they can tell you a lot about where you are in your cycle.
Yeah all i could do yesterday was think about sex and men ���� Probably just my bodies way of telling me to make babies!

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