
Absolutly fantastic news, I hope to see you and all the chart stalkers over here soon Loola :hug:

Well I feel normal again :think: I don't feel half as bad as I did with Olivia, apart from lots of spots :roll: I feel normal.......

Does that mean it could be a boy :D
hi girls

how are we all?

im good just got in going to do some revision soon got 3 exams in 2 weeks and need some major revision

hey, I'm good thanks, how you doing? I know the feeling about exams. I have 4 exams on Thursday and Friday! My revision hasn't been going well :( I hope yours goes better than mine!!
:wave: ladies - just thought I would pop in and say hi - not going to venture into 1st tri proper until I have my blood test results on Wednesday but as so many of you are such good old mates I feel a bit safe here :D
.Christina. said:
hey, I'm good thanks, how you doing? I know the feeling about exams. I have 4 exams on Thursday and Friday! My revision hasn't been going well :( I hope yours goes better than mine!!

i hope to make sure i revise as much as i can, with havin a baby on way wont have time to resit so it is important i put everything into revising this time round! and passing!!!
reallyoldmum said:
:wave: ladies - just thought I would pop in and say hi - not going to venture into 1st tri proper until I have my blood test results on Wednesday but as so many of you are such good old mates I feel a bit safe here :D
Hey ROM, We'll be here ready and waiting for your good news :pray: :hug:
rom we will all be here waiting for you hun xxxxxxxxxxxx

babydust ive decided to wait till 2moro and if still nothing to phone them up then xxxxxxx

hope everyone is ok today im sick sick sick lol and by now you all must be sick of me moaning about being sick :rotfl: no other news this end xxxxxxxxxxx
hello ROM, I don't know you yet but I'm sure I will get to. Congratulations on your BFP! :)
Can't wait to see you over here ROM :hug:

Rach I hope you sickness clears soon hun :hug:

Well I still feel normal, apart from bump visible clearer already :?

I felt sick day and night at this point with Oli and now its just small waves, and its gone again, hardley any at all at the moment and that is for the moment......... :lol:

How is everyone else today ? :hug:
hi girls

im good today, still not feeling 'pregnant', other than big boobs

Hope you are all well

x :hug:
hiya all i going to take a pic later of my bump it's realy showing lol i look about 4 months pregnant :oops: it's embarasing when people ask how far i am lol then when i say i'm only 10 weeks they are like ohhhhh its a sign of twins :shock: :D but only time will tell on the 16th :cheer:, i'm totaly tired today and feeling nausious but it's not too bad :D
Morning ladies, I have to wait until after 2.00 pm to ring for my results but if all is well I hope to spend some more time with you in here soon :D I was so tired yesterday I had to come home at 4 and have a sleep before we went to see sex in the city. Great film but I cried my eyes out through most of the film!! If you've watched it you will know why, I was so emotional about the Charlotte bit :D
Long time no see people :lol:
How is every one, since we are talking about bumps i shall just say some one aksed me how long i had left :roll: I said 'thats just fat mate im only 6 weeks' lol fooking men eh, How is everyone? Ive not been too bad, went to see midwife yesterdy and she was amazing, was one of the ones i saw last time and she spent an hour talking me through everything, got my scan on mon so keeping my fingers crossed for that :pray:
oo would you like twins anna? :shock:
I'm quite looking forward to seeing my midwife, though haven't heard anything yet. Nothing about scan either :(

Can't wait to see Sex and the City! Am going to drag the OH on Friday evening!! :cheer:
Well ladies just had a call from my GP my hcg level was 73 and she was a bit concerned it was a bit low for 9 dpo..... Now I have to have another test today at lunch time and will get the results on Friday. I was so upset and worried but having looked it up on the net 73 seems OK for 9dpo infact if anything it seems on the highish side......

She did say she was going to see the result on Friday and then get me referred for an early scan straight away....

Still too scared to join you fully but hopefully by Friday I will be feeling more confident :D

If any of you had betas I would love it if you could share them with me :-)
I'm sorry to hear about this. I don't know much about the number tbh hun, but I hope everything's fine! :) try not to worry too much and good luck for your results on friday!!
Happy_chice gAVE me a link that shows what ranges there are through pregnancy, and tbh those levels look fine to me so i wouldnt worry too much:) By the way saw SATC last night, it was soooooo long :lol:
Thats good news about the levels Mel!

:D I hope its got a nice ending! Can't wait, so excited!!
rom thinking of you hun and keeping everything crossed xxxxxxxx

hope everyone is ok not been on much i have a stinking cold and sore throat and really bad spot out break :( i look like something thats been dug up down the cemetary :oops: so having a few days on sofa just nipping on trying to catch up a little keep well everyone and i dare say il be back to normal and back on in a day or 2 xxxxxxxxx

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