
hennaly said:
congrats mum2be thats great news :hug:

Thanks it makes me feel so much beter

i just bought some new bras - as boobs have got huge and wanted more support. i aslo got measured properly, they put me from a 38DD to a 40F

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
So pleased you got your confirmation hun :hug:

Wow big boobies!!! :lol:
hi everyone :wave:

I've not been in chat for a while, it seems to have grown and there's lots going on - its difficult to catch up! It seems you're all thinking about the birth :lol: When my midwife came round she said "have you thought about where you want to have the baby?" and I was completely confused and said "errr, the hospital".....secretly thinking to myself, doesn't everyone have their babies in hospitals, apart from the hippy types who have them at home :rotfl: :rotfl: OK, I've read up a bit more, I am a novice :moon: but will still opt for the hospital :lol:

Well, my scan is on Monday (11 weeks). I've booked the day off work and so has hubbie. Im really anxious about it all probably because I've been reading the "what can go wrong" sections of books too much :oops:

Hopefully going to be another nice day tomorrow, so I'm planning on spending some time in the garden relaxing. I'm sure I won't be able to sleep well tomorrow night. :?
evening all!

I got the date for my scan today - it's on the 24th June so I'll be 13 weeks by then.
I know what you mean satch - I'm really worried too... I've read about too many scenarios as well :( I guess it's normal to worry like that.
Hopefully the chances are everything will be absolutely fine for both of us! :hug:
well its the 3rd day in a row i have woken up with a banging headache :evil:
kmac i bet your excited to have your scan, mines on the 16th june.
Hennely :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: headacks arn't nice
hello girls

have been out food shopping this morning , wanted billy bear sasuage!

Hope you are all well.

Another day, another headache! :( Well at least it aint a migraine! Thats something to be thankful for!! :cheer:
Had a great night last night! We had one of our parties (we sell lingerie and adult toys etc like AnnS but better lol and cheaper) and it was fun! Took loads of pics! Everyone else got drunk and it was funny watching them do silly things that I would have missed if I would have been drunk too! :lol:
Hope everyones ok today!?
Mum2be, whats a billy bear sausage??

Hennaly :hug: i feel for you as Im the same! Every damn day a headache! yesterday was I think the first day in over a week that I didnt have one! but they are back today! :(

Kmac &Satch yay on your scans and everything will be fine! :hug: :hug:
:wave: morning all wow its been quiet on here over the weekend :(
hope everyones ok and all those with bad heads are ok today :hug:
good luck satch on your scan today xxx
kmac great news you got your scan dats hun :cheer: xxx
mum2be great news on your confirmation xxx
lea hope heads ok today sounds like you had fun at your party xxx
anna not long for your scan now hun bet your excited xxx
tasha hope you are ok hun and you get your homebirth this time round xxx
hennaly hope your head is better today xxx

spoke to my boss on the weekend and she was really good im struggling to get to work if im down to work a morning shift so she has agreed to give me only afternoon shifts till my morning sickness eases up i seem to suffer worse in the mornings but it starts to ease after about 11am doesnt go completely but at least by then i can move around without heaving constantly

am getting really stressed out now about not having a date off the hospital yet for my next scan midwife said i had to wait another week and then phone them so thats thursday at the earliest :( fingers crossed i will get an appointment through before then

right off back to sofa now for hour or 2 not working till 2 so going to make the most of it and lie down till the sickness eases today xxxxxxx
hiya rach yes i'm excited however a week today my partner is moving in so i'm quite excited about that too, i'm a bit nervouse about the scan however i found looking at my past scans with my 2 (had 3 with james and 4 with emma) it's helped reassure me a bit and i'm thinking of scanning in the pics to the comp so i can compare all 3 when i have my 12 week scan lol

Today i'm planning on gonig to my mums and watch lost then if i have the energy do some housework b4 pickking up James from skool
Morning :wave:

Well my bladder is filling up and I'm leaving for the hospital in 5 minutes! So excited, fingers crossed everything is where it should be! I'm looking forward to getting a proper due date too.

See you all later :wave:
maybebaby forgot you had your scan today good luck hun hope all goes well and you get a fab little pic to show us later :hug: xxx

hi chok hows you hun not seen you about much hope your ok and keeping well :hug: have you had a scan date through yet? xxx

anna sounds like you have a busy few weeks hun :hug: xxx
Good luck maybebaby!!!

Im stiiiiill in the land of Wales.. its all fun here (not) lol. Gosh the tiredness has hit me sooooo bad at the moment, i can hardly keep my eyes open :bored:
Calling all Chart Stalkers! :wave: Go and have a look at the Chart Stalkers thread! :cheer: :cheer:
I am crying too! It really is such brilliant news! :cheer:
Thanks hun! Well theres little chance so far this month for us as I have sciatica and can hardly move, and Mike spent all of yesterday :puke: in a bucket, so neither of us are up for BDing at the moment! Im hoping the sciatica will stall ovulation for me for a while until we feel better. We are both having tests soon so hopefully we will know if there is a problem or not soon. :D
Thanks for the heads up Loola - hope you feel better soon and that you get similar news coming your way before long...... :hug:

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