
don't worry fellow chart stalkers - I'm still here!! I suppose I have been reading more than posting the last few days!! Hope you feel better soon rach, happy belated b'day to chok, and Ihope it's good news tomorrow rom - I'm sure it will be. :hug: :hug:

I'm feeling less queasy now so hoping I have avoided morning sickness entirely!! Still quite tired though, and sure I am eating far too much. Oh well.... feeling a bit more positive too but it comes and goes!!

Mel - I was really worried too but try and think positive... Also you need to eat to keep healthy for you and bubs xxx
aww Mel, its completely understandable your so worried. I'm worried about you worrying so much though hun, its not good for you. You need to get some rest and take care of yourself. I wish you all the luck in the world. I've been feeling quite down recently, well really down to be honest. In floods of tears all the time, but perked up a bit now. I understand how you feel and it will pass. There's light at the end of the tunnel. Make sure you talk to someone about it. Thats what I found helped me to be honest. Sounds like you need lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:

good luck with your results ROM!

hows everybody doing this evening? I had 6 hours of exams today and I am knackered. I blagged my way through them and am hoping I passed. I got 6 more hours tomorrow as well. Eurgh. So tired. Though quite happy they're nearly over!! :cheer:
Morning ladies, thanks so much for all your lovely words, im feeling a bit better today, not great but better, still not really got any symptoms, only a few cramps here and there and extreme tiredness, the pain in my side has gone again now, im hopeing its just the cysts playing up :pray: wish i could go back to bed :lol:

2days till scan :shock:
oh :hug: :hug: i hope your alright and you start to feel better soon, i can sympafise with the tiredness lol i was in bed at 7pm last night and didn't get up till 7am this morning lol i can't wait for the tiredness to ease off a bit. I hope you all have a nice day i'm not sure whats the plan for us yet probaly end up going bump and babes group for lunch and to my friends this morning then chill out till i have to get James from skool
so everyone have a wonderful day and i hope everyone is feeling well
Enjoy your day, Hopes gonna nannys house at 3 so have an afternoon to myself, but oh is going out drinking tonight so im alone for the night :cry: I dont like men
mel :hug: :hug: take each day as it comes hun we will help you through xxxxxxxx

rom thinking about you today hope they dont make you wait too long for your results and they give you a scan date :hug: xxxxxxxxx

anna sounds like you have a nice day planned have fun xxxxxxx

lea nice to see you :wave: lucky you getting a nice short break :cheer: im so jealous il be lucky if we can afford a caravan in porthcawl this year :rotfl: id say go for paris nice and romantic :cheer: xxxxxxxxxx

christina hope the exams go well hun xxxxxxxx

kmac lovely to see you hun :wave: post more please we miss you :hug: xxxxxxxx

well how good was BB last night :rotfl: its gonna be a fun summer :cheer: and how funny is cookie monster :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
am loving it :cheer:
off to work today for a few hours cold not quite so bad today thank god but all round my nose is peeling from wiping it all the time :oops: think i need some soft tissues instead of loo roll :lol:
yesterday i actually had a pretty good day where i didnt feel sick hardly at all and i thought it had gone :shakehead: got up this morning sick sick sick again think body was giving me a day off as my cold was so bad lol

hope you all have a lovely day xxxxxxxxxxx
I hate Big Bummer, should have been stopped ages ago, but im a miserable cow so there :lol: Hahaha hopes just copied big cook little cokk saying 'hot hot hot' haha she makes me laugh :rotfl:
Hey all hope you dont mind me invading your chat thread here :lol: How is everyone keeping?

Mel :hug: :hug: Im always ehre to chat if you need to :)

OK now please tell me im being silly and its nothing but a couple of times on wiping (sorry if tmi) but my CM has been slightly tinged with a brown colour is this ok or normal me being me was getting all worried :lol:
Good morning everyone - I have just spoken to the receptionist at my GP who gave me my Beta results and has arranged for the doctor to ring me after 3.00 pm.

Monday - either 7 or 9 dpo - 73
Wednesday - either 9 or 11 dpo - 268

A doubling time of 1.06 days...

They were hoping to see at least 150 so I think she will be pleased :-)

Sorry this is all about me but I am so excited and relieved - we have a long way to go yet but at least this seems to be in the right direction :-)
Flossy82 said:
Hey all hope you dont mind me invading your chat thread here :lol: How is everyone keeping?

Mel :hug: :hug: Im always ehre to chat if you need to :)

OK now please tell me im being silly and its nothing but a couple of times on wiping (sorry if tmi) but my CM has been slightly tinged with a brown colour is this ok or normal me being me was getting all worried :lol:
i'm not sure but i'm sure someone will come along who knows if it's normal however i'd recomend phoning your midwife/doctor just to be on the safe side :hug: :hug: sorry i couldn't help
Hi everyone!! :wave:
I am making an effort to post more often now although it means some of it will just be random crap! :)

Flossy - I don't think you need to worry but if you are concerned then maybe speak to your midwife.
I have had no mucus of any sort since being pg until the other day.
It has been dry as a desert down there (which means I am not interested at all in BDing so poor DH is getting a bit desperate :oops: ) but I had one lot of milky stuff (sorry if this is putting you off your tea) but now I'm back to zilch.

I really can't wait to tell everyone at work (about being pg, not the mucus situation :) ) - life would be so much easier. I was hoping to tell them at 12 weeks but as I won't have had my scan should I wait??? Please tell me what you think I should do!! Put that in bold so you don't forget by the time you get to the bottom of this!

Just had a text from my mum to say her and my dad were viewing a house near here (they currently live in Glasgow) but have decided against it as the boiler was in the second bedroom and they didn't think that would be right for a baby sleeping in there!! I am pleased they are seriously thinking about moving though - I did suggest it quite a while ago.

On another subject entirely - I have been having trouble with my left ear since November. I asked the doctor to look in it the last time I was there and she said it was full of wax :puke: so I was to try olive oil in it and see if I could shift it. That was a couple of weeks ago and it actually got worse - I could not hear a thing out of it, which is a bit of a handicap being a teacher - so today I went and got it syringed. OMG - everything is so LOUD now!! The nurse said she had never seen so much come out of one ear :puke: :puke: I really can't believe the difference though!! I must have been mad putting up with it for so long.

It's good as I'm going out for dinner tonight with a group of pupils who have just left school and then tomorrow I'm going on a hen night. I can't wait to actually hear what people are saying!! :D

I knew this would end up being a bit of a waffle.... sorry!!

Hope everyone is OK
oh my god from 1 extreme to another yesterday i was wondering where everyone was and today i cant keep up with you all :rotfl: il try and remember to answer everyone sorry if i miss anyone xxxxxxx

1stly ROM huge congrats hun and officially welcome to 1st tri :hug: :hug: im absolutely made up for you hun xxxxxx

BABYDUST sorry DD not well hun hope she better soon sorry i didnt realise you had a scan today or i would have wished you luck so glad all went well and lovely pic of babba :D xxxxxxx

FLOSSY sorry hun im not sure either i would def mention it to your midwife at least that way you can stop worrying about it as far as i know some people get that all the way through so i dont think its anything to worry about nice to see you here you are welcome any time hun :hug: xxxxxx

mel i love it when kids do stuff like that :rotfl: christopher this morning was trying to sing along to bunnytown doing the hop hop hop bit of the song and he was jumping he cracks me up he also keeps copying me when i call o/h his name is gareth and when i call him i shout gar and now christopher is calling it him all the time hes going mad :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: xxxxxxx

kmac glad you got your ear sorted hun sounds like its been a right pain
to tell or not tell well its up to you hun i told everyone almost straight away i had to tell work as there is a lot of things im not able to do and once you tell the gossips i work with everyone knows lol go with your heart hun if you want to tell them tell them :hug: xxxxxxxx
Thanks ladies i always worry far too much :lol: But ive got the MW soon so il inform her :)
:D Babydust I wish - he works most evenings and weekends so I am afraid I have to look after myself :D He is chuffed about the numbers though - of course he is convinced it is all down to his "super sperm" :D

I have decided I have to be excited about this pregnancy and look forward so I have got my ticker - I just :pray: I wont regret it :D
Yey love your ticker :cheer:
I hate my oh right now, hes been out drinking, hes come home and is now half naked and has thrown up on the floor, he is refusing to move though so hes layed in it :puke: Only problem with that is i aint feeling clever myself, maybe morning sickness so i have told his its his own fault if i throw up on him :wall:
mel :rotfl: sorry dont mean to laugh but your o/h reminds me of mine when he goes out you should have thrown a bucket of water over him lol i would have hope your ok and him puking didnt make you follow suit :hug: xxx

rom loving your ticker hun :hug: its good to try and be positive i know how hard it can be :hug: xxx

babydust we will never get fed up of knowing about scans i would have been all excited for you :cheer: i think if DD is still poorly over the weekend you should call gp and tell him you been to a farm they might want to run some tests hope she is better soon hun :hug:
with you on the bunnytown thing im sure its practically the same nearly every episode too christopher loves it we watch playhouse disney all day every bloody day :evil: hes a telly addict if i switch it off or over he stands there banging it xxx

flossy :hug: im sure all is fine hun but def think its wise just to inform midwife when you see her xxx

well up early with christopher again this morning :( am shattered already got work this afternoon then 2 days off :cheer: although on monday i have to take christopher for his mmr he missed it last month as he had a cold and sore throat im trying to convince my mum or sister to take him i cant bear taking him for jabs
well its a lovely day here so gonna make the most of it and get all my washing done and on the line :cheer: hope everyone has a lovely day xxxxxxxxxxx
oh rach i have to take my daughter soon for her 2nd mmr i hate it :cry: makes me cry every time they have to have jabs etc... i hope i can convince a nurse or something to take Emma in and i wait outside it's just horible to see especialy now she knows whats going to happen but i don't have to worry till the 27th of this month
Morning everyone!

I'm feeling really good today - I hope that's not a bad sign....
I had a nice evening out last night. There was one awkward moment when someone ordered cocktails for everyone at the table. I just had a sip but I didn't like it anyway, it was far too sweet, so someone else happily drank it for me. I ordered a small glass of white wine (to avert suspicion) which I spun out for a very long time, and only had about two thirds of - my friend (who knows i am pg) finished it off for me when no-one was looking. I fell a little bit guilty I had any wine at all, but my doctor did tell me she personally thought it was ok to have a small one every now and then, so I'm trying not to obsess about it!

On a hen night tonight but it will be fine as I have to take the car - it's in an awkward place to get to on the bus, and DH is going to a party in another awkward place so I said I would go and pick him up.

Mel - if my DH ever threw up on the floor and lay in it I would absolutely kill him. I have a phobia of other people :puke: and he knows it. Fortunately he doesn't go out or drink that much and has never been ill as a result of it in all the time I have known him. :) There was once he laughed while drinking tea and eating cake - that ended a bit nastily. And another time he was really ill - I found him on the kitchen floor choking on his :puke: which was very scary. Phobia went out the window then I'll tell you - I ended up phoning an ambulance because he was really confused and stuff. Never found out what caused it.
Welll Im sure you didn't need to know all that - sorry :oops:

I think I am back to feeling rather waffly. I think it's because i don't feel sick :cheer: :cheer: And i'm starting to get excited!
It's good because i was thinking about pulling out of another hen do next weekend as it is up near Inverness. The way I was feeling I didn't think I could face it, but if I feel like this I would be happy to go! It's my friend that i met my DH through so I really should go.

Glad the scan went well babydust! :D I'm still a wee bit worried about mine. Hope your daughter starts to get better soon :hug:

Oh yes, and I even felt like BDing this morning so I have a very happy DH now who is making me bacon rolls and a cup of tea :D

Sorry to go on. (what has happened to me?) I am going to start worrying about how good i feel though :think: :think:
Is it normal for symptoms to fade away - I'm sure I have read that on the forum before??

Have a nice day everyone. I'm sure i'll be back on to share something else rather pointless with you later! :wave:
Hey how are we all today then?! :D Im here at work busy as always :fib: Lol thoguht id pop on here whilst i have a spare moment. Today im feeling pretty fine nothing un-towards going on so thats ok. Looking forwards to tonight as its my hen night so a nice night out with the girls planned and i shall be the only sober one :lol: Its scary to think by this time in 2 weeks il have been married and should by now be having the photo's taken its oh so scary where has the time gone too?! :shock: Anyhow better dash before i get caught by the chief (luckily for me its the o/h) i work in the same place as him for my sins :lol:
So sorry I havn't been on much, and I hope you are all well :hug:

Kmac - I used to have a bad phobia of sick aswell wehn I was young ( never knew why) but sinse having Olivia, you see lots of sick and it just goes over your head! :lol:

ROM - yes enjoy it!! and great ticker hun :hug:

Mel - I woudl be so pissed it that was my OH, he never goes out and gets drunk purely for that reason as he can't handle it, and it would cause problems with us. I would of done that too! left him lying in it! :hug:

Babydust- I hope you DD is better soon, its horrible when they are poorly :hug:

Anna - :hug: Hope your DD will be ok too

Rach- I bet you are shatterd, I am lucky, OH gets up with Oli and sorts her out while i get ready
I hope you have a lovely day :cheer:

Well I feel really good and just not pregnant! like I said I constant sickness day and night ( just feeling very sick) with Olivia and I have nothing apart from that extreme hunger feeling occassionaly :think:

I am tierd a lot but that dont bother me too much :)

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