
Hi everyone :wave:
Hope you are all ok....
Not much to report here, just checking in!!
I've still not had any sickness but I feel ridiculously tired! I had my legs waxed today and it was much more painful than normal - guess that could be due to homones...anyway came home and fell asleep for 2 hours. :oops: Ridiculous! Hope I feel more energetic tomorrow as we are going through to glasgow fo shops, dinner then a concert so I don't want to be dozing off!!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend
blimy you have alot on tomorrow mabe it would be advisable today if you rested as much as you can so your not so tired tomorrow? i can sympafise with you with the tiredness i'm shattard all the time :sleep: all i wanna do is sleep :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
After going to bed on Friday at 6:30pm and sleeping through till 7:00am on Sat morning I'm feeling vaguely human today! :cheer:

Plus no visits from in-laws this weekend because Lucy has the chickenpox so most people are staying away!

Quiet weekends are always a bonus!
I wish I visited 1st tri whilst I was TTC, i could have made up for all the sleep i'd need. I'm suppposed to go to a get together today but i'm too tired, and i'm hungry but I dont want anything to eat...i'm such a moaner lol
Sounds familiar!! I try to keep cereal bars and that kind of thing in the house for when I get that sick/hungry feeling.

Its when I have to think about making something to eat that I just feel even more :puke:
I'm glad it's not just me then... I had lots of rest yesterday, and slept most of this morning. We thought we would do the Tesco shop before we go to Glasgow and now i'm shattered again!!
I'm a bit worried because the next few weeks at work are going to be really busy - I don't know how I'm going to survive :(
I wish I was far enough along to tell everyone.. then it woud be easier..

Just having a cup of tea and a sit down before we head out... at least tomorrow is a bank holiday so I can sleep all day if i want!!

Hope everyone is ok
oh poor you :hug: mabe it might be worth having a word with your boss? just make it clear you don't want anyone to know yet? i hope it's not too busy at work
thanks Anna - but it's not that simple! I'm a teacher at a secondary school and this is the time of year when lots of extra things are going on. I can't really avoid it. I will have to tell someone soon though as I am going on a 3 day trip to an outdoor activities thing, so I will tell one person (just in case) and ask them to keep it quiet. I won't be abseiling or anything don't worry!!
hi all hope your all having a nice bank holiday :D
not much going on here feeling very not pregnant which is not normal for me when pg im normally very sicky from week 4 till about week 10 but not this time i dont really feel anything im a bit tired ive noticed i need to have an hour in afternoon if im home but then not sleeping well at night for some reason been getting up 5/6 o clock every morning :( starting to feel a bit anxious now about my early scan next monday dont think i will believe im actually pregnant till i see it for myself

well i worked out today when i would be due to go on mat leave etc and it works out with holidays etc i will be off for 11 months :D which will include christmas this year and the whole of the summer next year should be back in work in the september xxxxxx
Hi everyone!! :wave:
Well I wanted to go and do something today, a nice walk around heaton park or something but no, I have felt sick alllllllll day! Only just got myself of the sofa! Now I feel like cr*p as I havent been out of the house and really wanted/needed too! lol :wall:
:wave: hi just a quick one im just in from the sun for a cool drink (wish it was chilled wine) been a great day here the kids have been out in paddling pool :D and i have proved that when pregnant your skin is more sensative to sun, i am going a bit red :oops: so under the shade for me :( i havent had the chance to come on much i had my dd party then my sister was up for the weekend but im bloody knackered :sleep: not really feeling sick, lea i will take your sickness for you a least its a strong symptom, im getting close to the point of worry now if i can make it another week chances are it will be fine, think i will phone and book my scan for the end of next week when i will be about 8 weeks.

i am a bit annoyed, got a letter through the post about dd's school placement request, :cry: she didnt get into the school i wanted her in, even though its a 2 min walk from my house she now needs to get the bus to the school which is ment to be my catchment area school :x :twisted:

rach that would be a great length of time off, is that just basic mat leave as well as the holidays? when i had my dd i took extended mat leave which gave me about 12 months off, and im still off :rotfl: 5 years later
Oh that is horrible about your dd not getting her school place!!
It has been a concern around here that children wont get their school places for they are merging schools and there is no way the new school can house all the children from the 3 merging!!
Is it her nursery place or a place in reception class she didnt get for this school?

Try not to worry about not feeling sick, I know that must be hard especially for you, but a lot of girls dont get MS and my midwife told me that it is usual to get it from 7 weeks onwards! :hug: :hug: :hug:
babydust said:
:wave: hi just a quick one im just in from the sun for a cool drink (wish it was chilled wine) been a great day here the kids have been out in paddling pool :D and i have proved that when pregnant your skin is more sensative to sun, i am going a bit red :oops: so under the shade for me :( i havent had the chance to come on much i had my dd party then my sister was up for the weekend but im bloody knackered :sleep: not really feeling sick, lea i will take your sickness for you a least its a strong symptom, im getting close to the point of worry now if i can make it another week chances are it will be fine, think i will phone and book my scan for the end of next week when i will be about 8 weeks.

i am a bit annoyed, got a letter through the post about dd's school placement request, :cry: she didnt get into the school i wanted her in, even though its a 2 min walk from my house she now needs to get the bus to the school which is ment to be my catchment area school :x :twisted:

rach that would be a great length of time off, is that just basic mat leave as well as the holidays? when i had my dd i took extended mat leave which gave me about 12 months off, and im still off :rotfl: 5 years later

you can contest the decision of her school, it should say on the letter you recieved (i was planning to do this as my son's school is taknig in less numbers but i was luckky cas my daughter got in)
lea she starts primary school after the summer they have merged alot of schools round our way and made them into 2 schools apart from the little school across the road from me, but the bloody road devides the catchment area :wall: the other 2 are so far away and they dont have good reports, and im not stuck up but me and dh have worked hard to move to a nice housing area and these schools are bang right in the middle of the poorest area, i have got a form for appeal i will put it in but at the end of the day if they are full they are full :(

my sickness tends to come and go, i am never sick but now and again get a wave of it but if i dont feel sick for a few hours i panic :roll:

kmac did you enjoy glasgow? you could have popped into see me :D
only had time for a quick look round the shops (by the time I got my ass off the sofa here) and had tea at wagamama - yum!! :D - then we were at the SECC for a concert, which was quite good (thankfully I had booked seated tickets!!)

We're going back through next Saturday night to tell my parents the news... I don't know what I'm going to say to them!!

Are you still going to the meet babydust? I will have to see how I feel I think, as I will need enough energy to go to Glasgow afterwards!!

Sorry about your thing with your daughters school babydust :hug:

I have had a lazy day today, basically sat in the garden, although felt bad as when DH came home from work he did some gardening then made the dinner :oops: ah well, he doesn't seem to mind, bless him.
kmac sound like you had a nice relaxing day yesterday :D
not sure about the meet :think: i will see how i feel nearer the time but at the moment lucky if i can get me and the girls ready without wanting a rest :rotfl: i just dont have any energy just now :roll:

Hello, how is everyone today?

Morning sickness for me has really kicked in. Feeling awful. :puke:

We told my Father, MIL and a few other family members our news at the weekend. It was getting too difficult to keep it quiet. They were over the moon. :D

I'm planning on telling my boss in the next couple of days due to the nature of my job I'm going to have to I think.....dreading it.

It my birthday today so I think Hubby was planning on taking me out for a meal tonight but I'll see how I feel although I do feel a bit better in the evenings. :D
aww happy birthday :D :dance: hope you go out for a meal it will be nice, well last night i had my head in a bowl for a good 2 hours but still not being sick i fell so like i am but not been sick and this morning a few times i almost puked but i didn't, my emotions have been very on and off as well today i am realy happy and fluffy i am so excited about this pregnancy where as yesterday i was irratated and snapping at everyone left right and centre lol although today my belly is acky and uncomfortable, but all in all it's been a nice warm sunny day and i'm happy lol i think summer is almost here woooooo hooooooo
Happy Birthday Charmed - hope you feel well enough later to enjoy yourself. :D

I'm just knackered :bored: :sleep: .

Been a bit nauseaus (sp?) on and off so far but not been :puke:

We told my Mum at the weekend but no-one else knows yet. She is SO excited!

My Boss was talking about 2 people she knows who are pregnant today - I had to bite my tongue, be interested and try not to look suspicious! :angel: :lol:

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