H all can I join the chat.
I feel rubbish today. I'm sure i'm not going to be sick but i'm on the verge all the time. Yesterday was a quiet day symptom wise so I knew I knew I was in for it today.
I too am still doing tests every couple of days
Got a second scan on the 15th of may when i'll be 7 and a half weeks so fingers crossed for a heartbeat. Midwife 2 weeks today
Got very emotional last night and I don't know why. Think it's because we had a meal with my family and I just hate lying to them all the time.
I can't wait to tell my son and OH's family but my family aren't going to be pleased. We're still living with them you see and although we won't be when baby comes it's getting them to see that which is going to be the killer
Bring on the 12 weeks mark...it seems an age away.
Jenny xxxx
I feel rubbish today. I'm sure i'm not going to be sick but i'm on the verge all the time. Yesterday was a quiet day symptom wise so I knew I knew I was in for it today.
I too am still doing tests every couple of days

Got a second scan on the 15th of may when i'll be 7 and a half weeks so fingers crossed for a heartbeat. Midwife 2 weeks today

Got very emotional last night and I don't know why. Think it's because we had a meal with my family and I just hate lying to them all the time.
I can't wait to tell my son and OH's family but my family aren't going to be pleased. We're still living with them you see and although we won't be when baby comes it's getting them to see that which is going to be the killer

Bring on the 12 weeks mark...it seems an age away.
Jenny xxxx