
H all can I join the chat.

I feel rubbish today. I'm sure i'm not going to be sick but i'm on the verge all the time. Yesterday was a quiet day symptom wise so I knew I knew I was in for it today.

I too am still doing tests every couple of days :oops:

Got a second scan on the 15th of may when i'll be 7 and a half weeks so fingers crossed for a heartbeat. Midwife 2 weeks today :cheer: :cheer:

Got very emotional last night and I don't know why. Think it's because we had a meal with my family and I just hate lying to them all the time.

I can't wait to tell my son and OH's family but my family aren't going to be pleased. We're still living with them you see and although we won't be when baby comes it's getting them to see that which is going to be the killer :(

Bring on the 12 weeks seems an age away.

Jenny xxxx
:wave: hi all where is everyone? its gone very quiet on here :(

still no symptoms for me but i did another pee stick today :oops: and i think its time to stop now lol the test line came up before the control line and was much stronger than the control line think i should just accept the fact now that i really am pg :rotfl:

going to see doctor today which should be interesting depending which doctor i have to see :roll: will let you all know how i get on xxxxxx
kmac said:
Hi all
Just had a big argument thing with my mum on the phone. It is her being unreasonable (that's what DH says) but I ended up in tears anyway so just feel crap now. She doesn't know about the pregnancy yet...

I'm worried now - I don't feel sick at all - I thought I would by now?
My tummy feels huge but I think it's just bloated...

I did a test again this morning - it had been a few days since the last one!
I just feel better when I see the line!

Hope everyone is ok
hiya hun we are on the same week and day etc... i still haven't been sick although i have felt nausious however apaprently at 6 weeks that is when you start getting the sickness so don't count your chickkens yet (haha thats what my friends keept telling me) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: it's not nice arguing with parents so sending lots of hugs and hope you'll be ok
Hope you are OK Kmac?

I had an argument with my sister yesterday :oops:

As for the sickness, it hit me at 5 weeks and 6 days! I was happy at first...but im not now!! :( My mum told me years ago that she never suffered from morning sickness and I was hoping I might be the same...I not! :rotfl:

Anyone else on the stretch mark cream already?? I got some Boots vouchers for my birthday and I spent them ALL on cream :D
morning everyone :wave:

well, my dd woke up this morning with 5 puss spots on her scalp and a massive lump behind her ear so back to the dr's we go :roll: i feel like im never away from the place they will probabally think im an over reacting mother :roll: but she has her birthday party on friday so i need to get it confirmed if its the pox so i can cancel :( as most of the kids coming havent had them :(

sally clarins do a really good oil to prevent streatch marks i used it with my 2 girls and didnt get one, its a bit expensive about £30 but lasts the whole 9 months and smells really great :)

kmac hope you made it up with your mum :hug:

rach STOP poas, or at least limit it to once a week :rotfl:
good luck at dr's today rach let us know how you get on

jenny how you feeling today? im the same with my family i hate not telling them, i feel really guilty for not telling my mum, but i know she would only worry and make me worry :(

hi, everyone else
jenny how you feeling today? im the same with my family i hate not telling them, i feel really guilty for not telling my mum, but i know she would only worry and make me worry

Well I told my mum last night and.....she was fine :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

It's such a weight off my mind. She told my Dad because I didn't have the courage and she assures me he is fine too :cheer:

Now all I have to worry about is....well...everything else :oops: :rotfl:
:wave: hi all went to doctors this morning seen a new doctor and he was lovely he read all my notes and letters from hospital etc said all my treatment will def be same this time around :cheer: he has booked me in at the epau for a scan on 12 may and as long as they can see babys heartbeat at that scan i have to see the doctor the following day for a prescription for my clexane injections and aspirin and he will refer me back to the heamatologist also got my 1st midwife appointment for next thursday :dance: so all on track xxxxx

babydust sorry your DD is poorly hope you dont have to cancel the poor mites party :( xxx

jenny glad your parents took it well hun :D xxx

kmac hope you made up with your mum hun and your ok xxx

sally ive tried everything on all my pregnancies but always end up lookin like ive gone 10 rounds with freddie kruger the only one i found made a bit of a difference was bio oil but that made my belly so greasy i kept getting little spots all over it :puke: good luck hun xxx

hi to anyone ive missed hope your all ok xxxxxxx
:wall: :wall: :wall: :evil: :evil:
having a really bad day :x

went to dr's with dd today he hardly looked at her, even though i told him about the puss spots on her scalp and the hard swelling behind her ear,and about the fall 2 days ago, anyway to cut a long story short my dad phoned and complained about the dr and ended up the 2 of them shouting at each other the dr said i didnt mention anything about the lump (but i only mentioned it FIVE times) so we had to go back down to see another dr :roll: she was concerened about the fall and the lump so we have to take her over to a&e :cry: and i havent had the chance to have anything to eat all day and i now feel really sick and feel like :cry: with it all.

sorry for the rant just needed to get that out :oops:
babydust sounds like you and your DD need some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: hope all goes well at a&e grrrr at your stupid doctor :( xxxxxxxxx
hello :wave:

Babydust - Dont worry about the rant, i just hope DD is OK and i hope she gets her party too!

Rach & Babydust - I know I am onto a losing battle with stretch marks but I refuse to go down without a fight! :shakehead:
I had a growth spurt when i was a teenager and got S/M on my hips, boobs and even on my calves! :( I managed to escape getting them on my tummy but I am sure pregnancy will sort that one out for me! :rotfl:

I will add Clarins and Bio Oil to my collection, thanks! :hug:
sally i hate to tell you hun but they usually say if you are prone to stretch marks anyway theres no way you will avoid them while your pregnant i think it all depends on your skin my friend has had 4 kids and the last 2 are twins and she was gigantic carrying them and not a stretch mark in sight :( lucky cow. me on the otherhand only have to look at a bar of chocolate and a new stretch mark appears :rotfl:
console yourself with the fact that they do fade quite quickly :hug: and the creams might help a little and if not your skin will be super soft :D xxxxxxxxx
:wave: at last thats us back from the hospital, turns out the puss from the spots on her head has ran down to the back of her ear which has caused the bone to stick out, so she has antibiotics and should clear it up in a few days, as to what the spots are, we still dont know he said they look like the pox but we will know more tomorrow.
ha ha Rach!! Thanks!!!!! I know I am in for it but like I say, I want to put up a fight!
Hi girls

Thanks for your concern :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am fine now - my mum came for dinner and stayed over last night. We had a chat - basically agreed to disagree - so at least we can move on now. It was quite easy not telling her I'm pg actually, I think because i was still a bit annoyed with her!!
I was in Mothercare with my friend today (the one who knows) - I bought a pair of trousers. I've got them on already, they are so comfy!! I was worried I wouldn't be able to find ones that are long enough as I am 6ft 2 but they are (just) ok!!!

Still no sign of sickness, so here's hoping we are just lucky Anna!
I am peeing for Scotland though!!

Hope everyone is ok (and :hug: to your DD Babydust - and by the way, your bump is HUGE!!! :shock: )
not sure if you had the chance to read my other post, but last night when i wiped there was some brownish discharge, like old blood. I went to the docs this morning and he felt my belly and said if it gets worse go in immediately. I've got an appointment for friday morning as he said that if something is to happen then it will happen within 48 hours.
I've been all clear today, which is great relief. I feel fine, just a queasy!

Has anyone else bought maternity trousers yet? I found some really nice trousers in the Monsoon sale at Xmas and they only had a size above my normal size at a sale price, so I bought them and now they're lovely and comfortable. The only problem is all my other trousers are uncomfortable. It sorts of seems too early to buy some maternity trousers, but i think i might have to!
glad you sorted things out with your mum kmac, i have managed to still stay out of maternity for now :cheer: for low rise jeans :cheer:

sally hope the sm stay away, i have heard though if you are prone to them you will more thn likely get them but i think if you keep the skin oiled up it will stretch easier.

satch glad things have settled down i know how much of a worry it is, i had slight pinky discharge last week, it only happened once, i think you could probabally put it down to old implantation bleed. Satch if it makes you feel more comfortable i'd say go for the maternity trousers :)
satch = i bought trousers today. My belly suddenly feels huge but i'm sure it must be flab - it wasn't exactly flat before!
I'm worried people might notice!!
Hope everything stays settled for you :hug:
my belly isn't normally flat and I'm often bloated, but this new belly is a bit of flab and getting quite hard. I think I'll get some trousers this weekend - just don't want to make it obvious to anyone yet. I'm hoping I can get away with it for a while as people are used to seeing me with a belly anyway :lol: :lol:

Where do you go for maternity clothes?
I think I'm going to go to good old Primark as it's so cheap, and just buy bigger sizes :roll:

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