Charting experts...please!


New Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hello ladies,

I am slowly going mad, and would be soooo grateful for some expert opinions on my chart:

Over the last few days, as I've entered temps, FF has had my O day fluctuating between CD 14 and CD 19. It's also fluctuated between dotted and solid lines. Today, I've had a considerable drop in temp (which hasn't happened before) and AF is nowhere near due just yet.

I've made the mistake of doing loads of reading online, and I've just read about the different ovulation detector settings on FF - I tried changing it over to 'fertility awareness' and the CH disappear altogether. So, this has got me panicking that I am not ov-ing at all.

I've been temping for a few months, and my luteal phase has been quite late (less than 10 day LP usually but not at all consistent) so started taking vitamin B complex this cycle. My temps have usually had quite an obvious rise, which has been maintained, generally, until AF has arrived.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what is happening here? I would be sooo grateful!! Oh also I am using CBFM and have not yet seen a peak. This is my second cycle using it and have had a long string of 'highs'. I know you shouldn't check the test stick, but most days mine have shown the 'oestrogen' line and not the surge line to indicate ov.

Don't know what to think right now!!!
hi alexandra

just looking at the 2 charts on that page, in the second half of your cycle, the temps do appear on average to be higher so based on that I would think you are ovulating.

have you been doing any other form of charting in conjunction with taking temps, as I always found it hard to pinpoint O day via temperature alone (e.g. as a poor night's sleep could easily skew my reading) but OPKs give a very clear sign, and CM consistency is also useful.

As there is a temp drop I would have said tho that this isn't the bfp cycle but sending you lots of :dust: xx

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