

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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So 2 days before going back to work everyone of my work colleagues has deleted me from Facebook!
Not looking forward to Tuesday at all! Been crying for about 30 mins! Stupid I know! I don't know what I have ever done to anyone!
Wish I could just walk out that place I hate it so much! Gotta feeling I ain't gonna last long on Tuesday.

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear that! What kind of people do you work with?! Just remember that you only have a few more months before you can stay home with Orlando... And you have tonnes of friends on here! Hugs!
Poor you! Are you sure they have? That sounds really petty of them, whats the reasoning?

Big hugs :hug: and remember, you don't have to go back, you can get signed off x
Yeah they have all disappeared and only work colleagues r gone! Someone has been saying that I have nothing wrong with me and I am lazy etc etc cos I have been off, there is one woman who threatened to flush my head down the loo before I went off too!
I don't see why I should be bullied into taking my mat leave early cos of them!

Are you in high school? Why did she threaten to flsuh your head down the toilet :shock: x
No idea! This woman is the same age as my mum too! I went to HR and they did nothing said they wanted to set up mediation! As if I want to sit in a room with her!

Oh my gosh!!! Hunny put in a formal complaint you shouldn't have to put up with that! No one should. Sounds like she's a bit jealous to me but totally deserves punishment for threatening you. You've always got us :) xxx
That's rotten. You're better off not being friends with people like that anyway. Don't let them win. Go back with your head held high and ignore them. I know easier said than done, but remember you're working for your lo.xx
they must all lead sad and pathetic lives cos that what they sound like...sad and pathetic. they must be trying to get a reaction out of you or something. if you enjoy your job and good at it you should be able to carry on when you like. they all sound really childish x
Yeah that's what OH said! :-( atleast I have the patients to chat too x

Mrsmc what do you do for a living? That sounds like an absolutely horrible environment to work in! Dont let them get you down and don't let them see that they have managed to break you! I'd be completely pleasant and normal with them and act as if nothing has happened. Nothing pisses people off more than having no ammunition to use against you :) what can they seriously say/do that they haven't already said if you're just normal and nice to them :)
That's horrible love. If you don't feel comfortable while your there, right down everything that happens between now and the day you leave date and timed and give it to your boss then. You've got enough stress let alone all that! Just think is 18 years you can send Orlando in to give them what for!

How awful, u shouldn't have to work like that and how petty! They r obviously jealous ur pregnant so go in and hold ur head high as it's not for long! Think of Orlando as motivation! X
I would seriously go in and kick off with management and tell them if the threats etc carry on you will be taking them to a tribunal for not doing anything about it tell them mediation is not good enough! Also explain to them that when you have a doctors note to sign you off work you shouldn't be penalised for it and its disgusting how they are treating you....

Change it about etc and then have it in writing and also on it explain why mediation is not a good thing because you are been threatened you do not wish to be in the same room as her... also say that they are causing you undue stress due to the attitude of your employee's....

I'm so mad for you i would kick there arse... even if you have no intention to take it to a tribunal or anything they don't know that and would shit themselves they can't let people discriminate because your sick/ pregnant xxx
Thanks redbear. I have been keeping a diary of stuff anyway so I have lots of things also j have a witness to the head down the loo threat! That's if they aren't to scared to back me up!


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