Changing jobs whilst pregnant!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Hi ladies I've got a dilemma ! I'm currently on my maternity leave from a job I hate and I have been thinking about changing for awhile. Well I happened to stumble across a job which is about 10 minutes walk down the road From where I live( where as i drive 1 hour to work at current job and spend 200 a month on petrol at the moment)
I told them in my covering letter I'm on maternity leave ( although I didn't specifically say whether I'm currently preg or had baby) but the job looks perfect for me. Il be dropping 10,000 a year off my salary but the job is so perfect for me ESP with baby! Also I would have been on maternity leave till nov in my current job but this job req me to start at the beginning of sept which I'm willing to do because it's so perfect! I think i may have to pay my maternity money back too but I feel like if I get if it would be a good move! It's a big will be tight but I get all school holidays off and work with children which is what I like doing !! Ohso stressful!! I've applied and got an interview next week for it which is exciting !
I do hope I get it but couple of qs:
Do you think I willbe looked down on for going to interview being so pregnant ?
What are your opinions? Xx
How exciting! Can't see why they would look down on you for being pregnant as you told them your on maternity leave and your willing to start sept. I've heard a few stories of women landing jobs heavily pregnant, most employers can see beyond the bump! Good luck, hope you get it!
Sounds really exciting! Good luck! I'm sure this new place will be fine about it! Let is know what happens.
totally agree with Sarah! your baby will be here by then and your up for starting when they want you too so they shouldn't have a problem! good luck x
Well I had my interview. Not sure how it went but I saw then stare at my bump when I walked in! My heart sank but could be an initial reaction as at almost 36 weeks I'm pretty huge! Can't tell if it was good or not and I think they had quite a few people before me so I guess ilwait and see but I'm not hopeful! Ultimately I've got my job for when I'm back in nov so I've not lost out! X
fingers crossed for you though cos sounds ideal if they can see past the current bump :). Hope it works out!
would you really have to pay back your maternity pay to your current employers if you leave them for new job? Good luck with it, let us know when you hear xx

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