Changing back from Comfort


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2011
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I started Greyson on Comfort milk last Tuesday as he had a touch of colic. I've also changed his bottles to MAM ones, and along with using the Infacol, his colic is a lot better.

However, he has really bad gas which reeks, as do his poops. That isn't a big problem - but he seems to be constantly straining, and crying from that!!! It just doesn't seem to agree with him.

So I'm thinking of changing him back to normal first milk. If his colic comes back, I've got some Colief, and gripe water that I can use.

What do you think?
I found Toby was worse on cow and gate comfort. Aptimil comfort was better xx

I found Toby was worse on cow and gate comfort. Aptimil comfort was better xx

Lol we were the other way round Aptimil Comfort didn't agree with her so we moved to Cow & Gate comfort!

Maybe try switching to a different comfort milk. I found colief drops brilliant too :) x
I daren't switch back to normal from Aptimal comfort x
I'm not sure what to say but I used coleif for a couple of days before we realised Mia's pain wasn't colic, it was reflux but my god it made her poo!! She exploded so much her poop came out of the top of her nappy!!!
Is he straining because he's constipated? Comfort formulas are normally thicker than regular formulas so they can cause constipation. We had Mia on lactose free for a while and she def struggled going for a poo.
As you prob know comfort formulas are reduced lactose which is one of the main factors of colic so if it's making the colic better I'd stick with it but maybe try a different brand like the others say. I'm no expert tho!
Try not to change milks too much as its not fair on baby apitmil and cow and gate are pretty much the same but if you went onto comfort milk and things improved even with the colief I would stay with it tbf x

Yeah they say it takes about a week for baby to get used to their food so chopping and changing isn't good. I'd heard aptimil and cow and gate were the same company. Not sure if it's true but would figure if the formulas are pretty similar. X
Aptimil Comfort did not agree with my girl, it seemed to make colic worse. She was on the colief drops and dentinox. I tried her on Hipp Organic first milk and she was much better. She is still on it at 5 months and i am now thinking of starting her on the follow on one.
Thanks everyone.

The reason I ask is that the health visitor I saw today asked when I was going to be changing back to the regular first milk. And it got me thinking about it. His colic wasn't really bad to start with, and I've only been using the comfort milk along with the Infacol. Putting him back on the regular stuff, along with Infacol, the MAM bottles and the option of Colief and gripe water - I'm hoping it'll be better for him, plus stop him straining all the time. (He's not constipated btw - his poop is nice and soft, and he's doing it at least every day - with the odd day without.)

I know that chopping and changing formula isn't good, but then neither is letting him suffer - and unfortunately the comfort milk does not suit. Hopefully this will work out better :)
not really sure what to suggest hun as our problems were diff to yours he was actually pooing about 10x a day but i can defo say cow n gate and aptamil are definately not the same milk or company as we swappped from cow n gate to aptamil as everyone rates it in fact it actually made him worse so a trip to the docs worked for me hun xxx
Cow and gate and aptamil are absolutely not the same. My DD was shocking on cow and gate, extremely colicky, constant screaming and in obvious pain. Switched to aptamil and she's brilliant! X

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
I was going to ask you if it had worked jayjay, so glad to read that :) Xx

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