I use a combination of things to help detect ovulation. One method is looking at my CM. I’ve had something weird happen that I haven’t noticed before though. March 3rd, I had unprotected sex with my honey since we noticed stretchy egg white CM. Obviously he ejaculated inside me. This app, Flo, has been moving the predicted ovulation date as I make notes each day. The app said it would be on the 5th one day, another day it would change to the forth. Even the third on when I noticed the CM. I haven’t had sex since the third, sadly lol. Anyways, moving along haha.... and this is where something different occurred, yesterday morning, the 7th... I woke up and went straight to the bathroom to pee. I went to wipe and there was a ton of stretchy and clear egg white CM. Like way more than normal. Then as the morning progressed, it changed to not as stretchy. As afternoon was ticking by, it got a little thicker and kind of whitish. Around 5-6 pm, I went to the bathroom to pee and my panties had very thick and creamy white CM a quarter sized or a little more. I noted it in the app and it changed my ovulation date to the 7th. So I’m like what the heck. When I woke up this morning, the 8th, there was the same happenings as yesterday morning when I woke and went to the bathroom. It’s almost 2pm and it is still stretchy and clear only now it has a bit of creamy white. There is way more of this stuff than there has been in my entire life of menstrual cycles. And definitely more than the 3rd. I’m 30 and never have birthed a child. I don’t know if my body is changing since I’m older or what. Has this ever happened to anyone else? I’m wondering what could be going on. Obviously we can’t just rely on the app, but it’s handy to note things about your body and mood. And it gives you awesome info and tips. We haven’t tried ovulation tests yet, but have thought about it recently since we haven’t conceived yet. Anyone have opinions on those? Thanks in advance!
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