Certain findings make me irate...!!!!

I read last week that if you give your babies and toddlers milk at bedtime, they've got more chance of being obese by the time their 5! What aload of crap! Lacey still has a glass of milk before bed every night and she's underweight!!
These scientist's need to study things that are important instead of scaremongering mums!

My 8 year old has milk all the time and he's really skinny!
I read last week that if you give your babies and toddlers milk at bedtime, they've got more chance of being obese by the time their 5! What aload of crap! Lacey still has a glass of milk before bed every night and she's underweight!!
These scientist's need to study things that are important instead of scaremongering mums!

I had milk and a biscuit every night for supper till i was about 12 and have never been overweight!
oh for goodness sakes, why dont they realise that we dont need more facts about how wonderful breastmilk is, its not like, oh right, well now Ive read that I wouldve magically been able to breastfeed :roll: those posters about how wonderful breastmilk is, in the postnatal ward made me cry everytime I walked past them.

I came home from baby group in tears the other day, purely because there is a baby there same age as Lizzie (and also called Elizabeth funnily enough!) who just latches straight on, feeds for 15 minutes and then is satisfied for 3 hours. Jealousy doesn't even cover it, I still really yearn to be able to feed Lizzie like that myself, even though I know she's a happier baby on her bottles.
I do believe that breast feeding should be promoted more and that there should be more help out there for the women that would like to breast feed.
But i also believe that noone should be judged for how they choose to feed.

When i had my daughter i was a young mum i chose to breastfeed and had lots of support in my decision as i lived in a young mother and baby hostel. Unfortunately i HAD to stop breast feeding her when she was 8 weeks due to the fact that my kidney stopped working. I remember the doc asking if i was breastfeeding and i said yes he said not any more im afraid. It was 4 am i had no bottles and no formula luckily tescos garage sold formula and a friend of mine in the hostel had bottles as she had not had her baby yet.

I was judged by strangers i remember sitting in a cafe with a friend feeding my very hungry baby a bottle and a women said "all these youngsters not wanting to feed there babys the way they are supposed to do they not know breast is best" i went home and cried that day and ended up 3 months later being diagnosed with PND which took me 2 years to get through. On the other hand i was judged when i breast fed in public so you cant win lol

I honestly believe that the best way to feed a child is personal choice of the parent and that a baby who is being fed by a happy mum is being given the best start to life.

Oh i will be attempting breast feeding again this time but if my body cant cope i will not let it get to me like i did last time.

Sorry for the long post

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