CD 31 0f 28/38 and fed up!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

Well i am on day CD31 today ( of 28/38 ) Still no Af or BFP.

So my cycle can't have been 28 days, as surely i would have had AF/BFP by now?

I have no idea when i v'd (if i have) as have had negative opk's all month for CD10 (ish).

If i was on a 38 day cycle when would i be likley to get a BFP (if i had caught the egg?) I know you should leave it till AF is due, but i can't wait another week, lol!

Feels like the longest wait ever!

I have also started symptom spotting, lol! Ben feel soooo bloated and beengetting crampy twinges. And been feeling a bit quesy now and again. But i know it's all in my head :(

A frustrated Laura!
Hi Laura,

Waiting is horrible, but CD31 isn't very late. Without taking your temps it's impossible to know when/if you ovulated and therefore when AF is really due. You may have Oved anytime and so all you can really do is wait for AF, and if it doesn't come in 4 or 5 more days test again.

If you can somehow take your mind off it that might help. Easier said than done I know.

Sorry I couldn't be much help :hug:

Thanks for the reply. Sorry i just needed to waffle!

I am just so used to having a 28 day cycle. And last months 38 day cycle confused me. I was hoping this month would be a nrmal 28 day cycle in which case by now i would be three days late. But evidently it isn't!

So i have a week to wait. Unless Af shows up before then!!

Oh your not waffling - not at all, and I love this site for being able to voice your frustrations.

Last month was my first month TTC and that drove me insane...goodness knows how I will be in the next few months if I havent conceived by then, so I know exactly how you are feeling!

2 weeks seems like forever when you are waiting to get a BFP - and I personally become a POAS addict and was ordering the cheapie HPT's like they were going out of fashion!

Im well prepared for next month with a new stock of 25 cheapie HPT's:-)

I will keep everything crossed for you, and hope you get your BFP this month - keep us all informed!

I currently have another 10 days or so til "O" and boy that seems like forever away too......and then of course its the 2ww again!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know how you feel hun, this is my third cycle off the pill, first cycle was 32 days, then 34 days and now I'm on day 41 with no AF or BFP :( And I swear I ovulated on day 14 cause I had a small ovulation bleed :? anyway, I don't know what's going on! I hope something happens soon so you know what's going on!
31 days seems like a long cycle to me. I'm used to having 28 day ones really. I've always had them so to switch from 28 days to 31/32 days is weird for me as well.

Sorry, I'm not being very helpful. I understand how you feel though, it can all get too much at times. :hug: :hug:

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