CB Fertility Monitor - Advice Please


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Hi ladies,

I bought a cb fertility monitor to maximise my chances of ttc. Im on cd 13 and still low fertility (1 bar). In May I did the sticks and ovulated cd12 and 13. Then each month I tested on those days and got no smiley face so May must have been a one off?

I've been poas since cd6, has anyone else had long stretches of low fertility on the cb monitor?


I didnt get a high reading till cd 18 and then a peak on cd 19 then a high on cd 20 so you may just be ovulating later than you think. If its your first month of using it too you may not get a peak reading (I didn't) as it is getting to know your cycle. Id just keep poas and it should be ok.
Hi Laura,

That's a great help.

So did you get 2's in your first month and no 3's or did it just stay at 1's the whole time?

Thanks for the info!

First month I got high from cd 7 to about cd 25 then a low. My sister however got a low pretty much the whole time in her first month. The first month I would really not worry about to be honest. 2nd month it knows your levels and should work for you!

Got 2 bars this morning on cbfm!! Delighted! Just about to pick hubby up as he's been away this weekend. Let the bd fun commence!!!

I've realised that we've been bd-ing at completely the wrong time, oh well! Just hope I get a 3 this week as luteal phase will be way too short. At least I've hot a chance this month.

Feeling do much more relaxed after last cycle!

I hope you ladies are ok.
Yeah get to it! Although you may have a high for a few days! First month my hubby didnt know what hit me. I had a high for like 18 days!!!
GL Joey. Sounds like half the battle is knowing when you ov - mine def later than i thought once i started poas.
ooooh im interested in purchasing one of these?! are they super expensive? x
I can't believe it, got my 3 this morning!!! If I bd tonight and tomorrow, do you think I'll have a chance? I was preparing myself for a week of 2's!

Piglet, they're cheaper online but I had to buy mine from Boots as you start it the day after your period starts. My friend told me about it and said it really helped to chill her out. From Boots with the box of sticks it was about £95, ouch!!! Hopefully it will be worth every penny!

Thanks fliss, I hope I get another 3 tomorrow. Whatever happens, I'm determined to be more relaxed about ttc.

Good luck to everyone! If I get a 2 tomorrow I'll be in my 2ww. I'm going to ignore that fact that I am, or try to! ;-)


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