
Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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I have two cats that are 3 years old this year and both boys, both have been neutered. About 5 weeks ago we got a new kitten, one of my big cats has really taken to the kitten and loves her to pieces but my other one hates her. Now everytime he comes home, he only comes home to eat and then he leaves but not before spraying somewhere in the house. I'm mortified, I rang the vets incase it was something medical but she said basically he's acting like a jealous child and chances are he will do this even more when the baby arrives. She reccommened buying a plug in thing that only cats can smell also a pet odour killer...which I bought but none of this is doing the trick. He comes in the house about 5 times a day but only to spray and eat. I love my cats and feel awful about getting a kitten cos he obviously isn't liking the fact. I was hoping he would stop, this doesn't look like he's going to. He's normally such a loving cat but this is just too much and I don't want him to start spraying over the all the baby stuff......What would you do?
do they say if you rub pure lemon juice in places it stops them doing it :think:
My cat does exactly the same but its due to being picked on by our eldest cat that does it, he sprays to make it his territory. He's terrified of her he even eats his dinner so fast and peaks round his shoulder every few secs to see if she is there that within minutes he has it up agen :( We have tried soo much to get him to stop but nothing has worked so far (Orange peel did for a few days though) Am just as worried about him doing it when the baby arrives as you hun and have had to put everything away in my room even the bottle steriliser :(
Sorry i havent helped with the situation


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