cats territory


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Don't mean to sound like a terrible person, but how can I get cats to not pee on our lawn?! We don't have cats but the rest of the street seem to, and this afternoon I came back to a cat marching up and down the lawn and then shaking its tail all over one of our bushes. Grr...

See, I'm not bothered about cats and stuff, but I think it's in the back garden too, and the other day Ryan had a rash on his arm after coming in from the garden. Cats pee on grass irritates my skin too, and it would totally spoil everything if me and Ryan always had to wear long sleeves if we were playing on the grass.He'd have to have gloves on if he was gonna crawl on the grass and thats just rubbish.

Is there an inexpensive way to mark our territory and tell the cats to f off?!

my mum has just said pepper is good cos it does like what it does to us (makes us sneeze) but obviously not nice for ryan either.... :think:
We had our neighbour round because we had 3 cats and they were doing their business on her lawn and I was soooo upset by it. She was really nice but I felt so bad that they had been using her garden when we have our own they could be using! Anyways we have the cats rehomed now to two lovely people who look after them really well.

As for stopping them you can get a sensor that you plug in and it send out a noise that we cant hear but they can and they dont like it.
As for pepper the only reason it works is that they stand in it then wash their faces/eyes and it goes in them and causes alot of pain so I would keep away from using it. Also if you have squirrels in your garden they get it on their feet and get it in their eyes and near scratch them out. :(
This isnt mean to be a smart comment but have you thought about getting your own cat. Other cats dont come near us. Jack would have them!
There's a couple of things you can try that don't harm the cats, like putting lemon peel around your borders (they hate anything citrus) or getting a water pistol and squirting them with it if you see them in your garden.

Its so annoying when you cant enjoy your own space and if you have an allergy which might of been passed on to little one, even more so!

You could also put mulch on any exposed soil to prevent them using it as a litter tray.

LMAO - Just done a quick google to see if there are any cheap products available and found this...

The broadcaster Jerry Baker has suggested treating your yard with a tonic made from chewing tobacco, urine, birth control pills, mouthwash, molasses, detergent and beer. A smallholder has reported success using dried rabbit blood but you may feel that the ingredients listed in the previous paragraph should be tried first.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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