Cats - help!


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2012
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I know lots of ladies on here love cats, which is totally understandable. I myself don't love them, don't hate them either... But I don't want any.
The problem is that there are some people in my street to who have them, and there always in my garden. I keep seeing a couple. But this morning I went out to find a cat poo in my garden. It's not the 1st time it's happened. And didn't really think about it before. But now I have a LO I'd rather they didn't come in.
I would never do anything to harm them. But just wondered if anyone had any tips to keep them out?
My mum has told me old orange peelings because they don't like the smell... Does anyone have any other ideas?!?
Get a dog! Lol! Only joking!

A water pistol - we have two cats but when we first moved in they were attacked by neighbours cats so we bought a water pistol to shoo them off. X
But we do also have a dog which is much more effective!
You could try lion dung fertilizer. I've know this to work for some people. Basically its not noxious to us but to cats it smells like a really big cat is around.
I know it sounds obvious but have you thought of just securing your boundaries with a fence and things?

You want something that they can't pass through and something fairly high and then you just cover any bits they could climb up with something like featherboard or those pigeon spikes (maybe a bit of a concern with the kids).

Chop any branches they could use to get into your property too.

Any ugliness can be hidden behind plants :)

I get cats in my garden, but my dogs do tend to see them off so i rarely see any poo. I know for a fact if my dogs went and crapped in someone else garden they'd have something to say about it so don't feel silly ;)
My garden is all enclosed with a 6ft fence... I'v seen the cats walking along the top of the fence. Don't really want to cause any bother. But I don't have animals, so don't see why I should have to put up with there dirt in my garden!! And your so right about the dog poo haha.
I nearly ran over one of my neighbours cats before as it was sunbathing on my driveway. Only noticed it when it lifted its head or I'd of ran over it.

I'm just thinking about next year when my LO is out in the garden playing, don't want to have to worry about cats xxx
You could do what my friend does - he hates cats and flings any cat poo he finds back in to the various neighbours gardens as he is surrounded by cat owners!

One this to bear in mind is cats love gravel to crap on, so make sure you haven't got any in the garden. You could plant really smelly plants too, like lavender or rosemary. Mine don't seem to like those and I've planted loads of it as it is cheap and quick growing.

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