Cats and pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Ive heard about the risk of toxi--- something something :p from cats litter boxes..

My question is.. How high is the risk.. And is there a way to prevent the risk without getting rid of the cat...?
you can wear gloves ive got a cat but i got amys dad to lean it out as long as you dont touch the litter tray your fine and cat has had all vaccines just to prevent anything else
I have to do it myself.. Single.. He is vaccinated..

I will get a set of marigolds just for the cat tray, Already have antibacterial handwash aswell so I hope that is enough.
the best way i found where her dad wasnt around ws to gt litter tray bags you put them in the litter tray and then put litter on top of the bag obv make sure you have the litter tray bag open if you know what i mean lol so you can wear gloves and easier to dispose of too
The Toxoplasmosis gondii parasite must develop inside a cat before it can infect other animals, including humans. You do not necessarily have to own a cat, however, in order to get toxoplasmosis.Animals are infected by eating infected meat, by ingestion of feces of a cat that has itself recently been infected, or by transmission from mother to fetus. Although cats are often blamed for spreading toxoplasmosis, contact with raw meat is a more significant source of human infections in many countries, and faecal contamination of hands is a greater risk factor. here is a bit about it
Gloves, anti-bac handwash and maybe something like an alcohol hand gel too should be fine I think. Some great info there!!! Btw is that your cat in picture? I have a short haired black cat who is my furry baby!!
Also hon, it's estimated the 80% of cat owners have already come into contact with the 'bug' and have developed immunity which you would have passed onto bubs. Do all the things advised on this thread but hopefully you'd be fine anyway xxxx
i have 5 cats so was quiet worried about it but my m/w said dont if you havehad your animals for more than about6months then you will have probably already had what the have i use gloves and a face mask as well then just clean them out but you need to soak tray in boiling water for 5 mins to kill of the bug from it you can be tested for immunity by gp but didnt think it was worth doing
I have the same prob. I use cilit bang (cos I love the stuff!!) and boiling water for 5 mins. but as ^^^^, most people have had the but before & are immune x
Ah thats great guys thanks :)

And no thats not my cat, Same breed but mine is grey :)
someone told me to wear a face mask as well. Might look like your handling nuclear waste but better to be safe :lo: I was also told that 'indoor cats' don't pass the bug xx

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