Cat nets?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2007
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Has any one used them? We've got 2 cats and we wondered if the cats would sleep in the cot. Obviously we dont want the cats in with the baby! Also dont want the cat in there leaving hair and stuff. :think:

I've heared that they arnt much good?
We stopped our cats going upstairs completely rather than worrying about getting a net or anything like that.
We bought cat nets but so far havent had to use them. We dont let them into our bedroom where his moses badket is and they dont seem interested in his chair.
I didn't buy any and haven't needed them. Our cat was obsessed with the baby stuff before Austin was born, we kept having to kick him out of the moses basket/car seat/bouncer. When he was first born he didn't want anything to do with him.

At first we made sure that the door was shut if we weren't in the bedroom, and we were always in the same room as the baby, so there was no problem there. As Austin's got older we've relaxed a bit, we just move the baby stuff out of the living room at night. He's never once tried to get in the cot.

I'd put off buying them until you know you need them.
I bought them,but arthur(the cat) seems scared of dylan and his things since he snuck unto his high chair and i put dylan ontop of him by accident.
I bought them,but arthur(the cat) seems scared of dylan and his things since he snuck unto his high chair and i put dylan ontop of him by accident.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

I brought one too and have never used it! Before babs was born we stopped the cat coming in the bedroom and then made sure the door was kept shut if Evie was asleep inside (even at night if we were in there asleep as well).
To be honest the cat has done her best to keep out of the way of the wailing baby so theres been no need.
we have 2 cats and i was worried that they were going to smotther the baby but they have styaed well clear espially when she is crying lol
We bought a cat net too and havent used it. we have stopped our cat going in the bedroom at night. I allow her in when im there but she knows she isnt to go in when im not and will wait outside the room.

To be honest, the cat isnt that interested and has never got in his cot or pushchair. the only thing she has done is gently got up on her hind legs to see if he is in his moses basket and then walked away. I think you have just got to be careful and make sure they are not left alone with them.
we have 5 cats and I bought a cat net and it is still its wrapper..........

none of the cats were interested at all in Grace when she was born and in fact stayed well clear of her.............. and none of them have been anywhere near the cot or moses basket..........

only know as she has got bigger has the youngest cat who is 1 years old started to taking a likeing to her............ if she is sitting on my lap he likes to sit next to her - Grace loves this and squeels with delight while giving him a rather hard pat on the head :rotfl: :rotfl:

The other cats are all over 10 years old and still stay clear of her - I think they have more sense !!!!!!!!!!!

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