Carpal Tunnl Syndrome


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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So last night for no reason my wrist starts to hurt & gradually gets worse. Before I go to bed I can hardly move my hand it's do stiff & painful!
Called my doctor this morning & apparently it's carpal tunnel syndrome which is common in pregnancy. I've never even heard of it!

Has anyone else suffered from this & how long does it last, how did you ease the pain? Docs said ice it but it's cold :(

Any advise gratefully recieved!
I had it with my first daughter 4 years ago- it wasn't quite as painful as yours sounds... But I did have it! I couldn't feel my hands by the time I went to bed and still couldn't feel them in the
Unfortunately that lasted until the end of my pregnancy, but completely disappeared once I'd had her. As if I'd never felt that before. I'm just starting to get pins and needles in my hands again, but it's not too bad yet!
I hope that things improve for you! Xxxx
Glad I'm not on my own, felt a bit of a freak last night cause I've never heard of it before.
Just bought a strap for it and it seems to be helping which is great.
I hope you doing get it too bad with this bubba.
Ive had this for about 10/15 weeks now and its getting worse and worse :( i mentioned it to my consultant and was given splints to wear at night which help but the pins and needles and stiffness is horrendous in the morning. im hoping it goes when i give birth but my cousin had the same thing and hers got worse when she had her daughter, she couldnt lift the baby out of the cot or undo the poppers on her baby hoping im not that bad!!
I had it when I was pregnant with Toby and it was awful, but it did go within a couple of weeks of giving birth. It started with just the tingling, then I used to wake up with unbearable pain from my wrists and down the thumb half of my hand. I was given splints too and they did help a bit but by the end I had no feeling at all in my thumbs and first two fingers in each hand. If it doesn't get better it can be corrected with very simple surgery but it usually does disappear on its own after birth. I'm really hoping I don't get it this time! x

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