Car Seats


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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Anyone know how long our LOs need to be rear-facing now? I'm currently using my son's old car seat that works with our travel system. When he was little he was able to be forward facing when he was 9 months, but rumour has it our babies have to stay rear facing until 15 months!!

With this in mind, I'm considering getting a Group 0/1+ car seat that swivels around for when the time comes. Especially since my son looked really snug in his seat by the time he hit 9 months! Has anyone else gone for one of these? Are they worth the money? I figure we can still use the old car seat in my husbands car and families car so it won't be wasted.
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If your car doesn't have isofix then the old rules still apply. We will still be using our eldests car seats with our youngest and will put him forward facing when he outgrows the carrier seat. I'm hoping he isn't going to be as enormous as his brother so we can keep him rear facing a bit longer!
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Oh gosh. Okay so now I'm even more confused! Will have to have a good read of the link when I get chance. Does it mean that I can have my baby forward facing at 9 months? I have Isofix in my car...
I understand it that the old rules run along side the new rules till 2018, so I think you are ok with the old car seat. It's our first so im going to get a rear facing one for the next stage as by the time we have no 2 it probably will be law. If it was my last though I wouldn't bother! X
Oh gosh. Okay so now I'm even more confused! Will have to have a good read of the link when I get chance. Does it mean that I can have my baby forward facing at 9 months? I have Isofix in my car...

Honestly I have no idea! I only paid attention to the bit about cars without isofix cos ours doesn't have it!! Sorry!
Think i'll speak to my HV about it. Either way we'll need a new car seat at 9 month - it's just a case of whether we'll need to buy a new rear-facing or forward facing. If rear facing, then i'd be inclined to get a new one now.
You only have to rear face till 15 months if you buy a I sized car seat. If you have a belted forward faced car seat Baby need to me 19.5lb in weight and be able to sit confidently on there own. Which is usually 9 months approx. Age is only a guide it's the weight that is important hope that helps x
I think so. As long as I buy a seat belt fixing forward facing seat in 9 months time (given she's 19.5lb or more) then I won't be breaking any laws.
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Nope. The I size law is just running along side the current law. So dobt worry x
Just to slightly change tack, although it might be law for less than 15 months currently and 15 months soon after, it's actually safest to keep children rear facing until they are 4. Something to do with the forces exerted on their heads and necks in a crash. Rear facing supports them much more than forward facing
I do agree that rear facing altho it's not law is a lot safer x
The current law says nothing about nine months - it is illegal to forward face a baby who is under 9kg, regardless of how old they are.

One of the facebook pages I like has explained it all here: The law on child car seats

But I would strongly urge you to join the facebook group: Car Seat Advice for Mummies and Daddies! and look into keeping your baby rear facing as long as possible as it is much safer :)

My son will be rear facing until he's 25kg in an Axkid Minikid :)
I feel quite strong on this subject but no judgement to others. Like pumpkin says as much as law says 9kg it's so much safer to have them rear facing as long as possible. We have the britax dual fix which can swivel and go either way and it's been amazing. It's more expensive than others but there is a cheaper version (M&P's maybe?) Before we had this one my lo was in my brothers car at about 10 months and was in my nieces forward facing car seat, as much as she can hold her head up, the second she fell asleep her head flopped forward and you could see how unsupported she would be with a rear collision.
I was looking at the Britax Dualfix as the new alternative. Expensive, but a decent seat! The Birmingham Baby Show is on this weekend - i'm now contemplating going to see if I can get a semi-decent discount!

However, I don't want to sound like a mother who does't care about my child's safety - obviously I do, I just don't know if I can afford a new seat!
I was looking at the Britax Dualfix as the new alternative. Expensive, but a decent seat! The Birmingham Baby Show is on this weekend - i'm now contemplating going to see if I can get a semi-decent discount!

However, I don't want to sound like a mother who does't care about my child's safety - obviously I do, I just don't know if I can afford a new seat!

I couldn't afford a too expensive rear facing seat so went with the joie stages, 130 in halfords but have seen it in other places for 100 on offer. Read faces until 18kg (I think) approx 4 years old. X
Sorry not read all the responses, but just thought I'd Let you know what I've got. My car doesn't have isofix, but due to all the research about rearfacing being safer up to the age of 4 years old I've bought a rearfacing. It's a joie stages and cost about £120 which is a lot cheaper than the others on the market, and goes up to age 7 xxx
Rooster if u can find a mate who need a new car seat then u get 10% off at halfords if u buy two! and they sell the joie stages! But they're abit crap with their training so make sure u watch the video on YouTube about how to fit it with a shorter seat belt just incase ur car has short ones, halfords have a nasty habit of telling people they don't fit when they do, you just have to fit it slightly differently.

I got my songs ERF car seat from kiddicare, it's a britax, rear faces til 36kg! Love it! It was in the sale reduced to £130! Bargain!
Had a britax dualfix fitted in my car yesterday to replace the infant carrier. The swivel is brilliant!

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