Can't wait!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2005
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I know this sounds silly but i'm sure most of you must be the same..every week we can tick off another week but it just doesnt seem to be going quick enough!! I just want baby to be here now! I'm so impatient...! Anyone else??
I know what you mean Jessika. I feel like I have been pregnanat forever! I just want to feel that first kick (I think I may have felt a few flutters but I'm not sure, maybe it was just wind :oops: )- so that it feels real. February seems like such a long way away.
so you must be due the 10th then as i'm 11th?? Right, get set for me aksing you LOADS of questions now just to see if i'm normal!! he he :lol:
Due the 12th Jessika - you went a day the wrong way! From past experience it'll be sometime in middle January! This is the 3rd time for me - fire away - I'm sure you are normal - not so sure about me though!!!!
ahh i never was any good with maths, thats not about to change now lol! So you have a wealth of experience behind you - god us first timers must sound like right whingers!!!
My only problem at the moment - hardly even a problem - i really want a bump so i dont feel a fraud walking round mothercare and such places! I expect after 2 previous you are showing already? (not insinuating that you are fat/skinny/etc) sorry just being careful i know how gfragile i feel at the moment! God i cry at eastenders...
lol - I cry at anything!!

I am quite overweight (I did loose 2 stone - but then I went and got pregnant - all that hard work!) so I just look a bit fatter than before. I've only put on 6lb so I'm quite pleased about that - especially as I'm eating more (to keep the sickness away - I wish it would hurry up and go) and I'm not doing much exercise at all. My kids haven't noticed yet, but I'm into loose clothes and elasticated trousers already! I think I look pregnant - but then I have done for the last 2 years!! I wish I had a "proper" baby bump - then I would have an excuse for being fat!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Congratulations for loosing 2 stone - a major achievement if ever i heard one! When are you planning on telling the kids?

Think i have out on about the same as you although not really keeping track, should do really but the scales scare me with their judging eyes...
Thanks Jessika - I was really chuffed with myself - it took a lot of hard work and will power, but was worth it - trouble is I still had a stone and a ahlf to go before I got to an acceptable weight! Still I can get back to it once this little one is born. I actually lost weight with my 2nd - because of gestational diabetes I had to cut out sugar completely - and it worked wonders - lets hope I can do the same with this one - and keep it off this time instead of piling it all back on again!

I want to tell the kids as soon as possible. My daughter (7) will be so excited, she's been nagging about having another little brother/sister (she really wants a sister) for ages. DH asked her the other day what she would think if we had another and she replied - "mummy has already got enough to handle with us 3 to look after!" - think she's been taking in what I've been saying over the last 12 months! I don't think my son (3) will really understand (don't know why - his sister did at his age, but they are so different) until the baby is here. He is just so full of beans he won't sit down and think about what we're actually saying! I think we will tell them when I've had the results of the 16week blood tests and maybe the 20 week scan (if she hasn't guessed by then!).
Well good luck but dont make urself ill trying...

I was about 3 when my mum produced a baby brother for me, she bought me a doll and gave it to me the first time i met him in hosp, i worked wonders as i never got jealous as whenever he was bathed i bathed my 'baby' and took them for walks etc - i still have her now so i think i'f im ever in that situation i will give that a try.
I know exactly how you feel, the further along I get, the more excited I get, i just cant wait! and im past half way now :-) the second trimester has gone really fast for me, the first went slow it was still sinking in. But now I have a proper bump and im feelng big kicks , i love it and cant wait to meet her!
Plus everytime i hold my friends baby girl i get really broody!
x x x

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