can't talk to OH!


New Member
Feb 7, 2013
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Hi ladies!
First of all this is my first post on here although I've been reading through posts on here for the last year or so to keep me sain while waiting!

Now that our ttc date is looming (may 2013) I seem to have so many things going around in my head that I'm struggling to talk to OH about! He wants a baby (this will be my first but he has 2 from a previous relationship) and is happy to try when we have agreed but everytime i try to talk about it i seem to get one word answers and a change of subject! I understood at first but now Im getting fed up as i feel i have nobody to talk to.

Anybody else have this problem? Xx
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Hi Chrissie,

Have you told him that him brushing the topic off is upsetting you?

My OH is on board with our decision to try next month, he was a bit clueless at the start but we've been reading through TCOYF together and he and I are learning lots about TTC.
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I think men don't have the same connection to ttc as women do we like to plan and get excited men have a more laid back - yea we just have sex and it will happen sooner or later attitude lol! Xxx
Hi ladies,
Thank you both for your replies. I have just spoken to him and the outcome was basicly hes sick of hearing it :-( that makes me feel like its unimportant but he says it is its just that weve planned it so to wait until it happens.

Ill just stick to talking about my broodyness on here now i think! Xx
You're welcome x

Vent or feel free to chat here anytime, I'm only a newbie myself but cannot get over how nice and friendly everyone is here :)
Come on here and talk to all of us about everything :) we are all feeling the same, have the same questions etc. I think most men are just more relaxed about it and just think they need to do the deed and thats it. I actually don't go into ttc detail with my OH as he would feel pressured, I speak to him about wanting a baby and he wants one so badly too but his reaction is "it WILL happen". They are odd beings are men, just chat to us ladies instead ;) x
Men get a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of technical stuff in ttc and I think start to feel like sperm banks or performing bunnies. Don't worry, it sounds like he's up for making a baby, he just doesn't want the pressure. You chat to us love! Xx

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