Can't Shake This Feeling!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Hey i know we all have down days but i can't seem to shake this feeling at all, i feel horrible all the time and i hate it!!
I don't want to feel like this anymore, my OH is getting such a hard time, if i'm not moaning at him, i'm in tears or worse still getting the silent treatment and all because i feel down, its not fair on him!!! At first i thought it was down to pregnancy but now i'm not so sure i have felt like this for weeks!
I have always had a problem with my weight and i think this is where my problem is steming from as i don't like the fact that i'm gaining weight, i think i'm gaining to much and not just a bump i feel like i'm gaining everywhere, i hate to see myself in a mirror or anything and keep telling my OH he is gonna leave me, just feel so horrible!!! :( :( :(
awww i know exactly what you mean hun. i have a real issue with my body aswell, before i got pregnant i was always on a constant diet, using sunbeds, hair extentions etc n feel hoooooooooooorrrrrrible knowing i'm gaining weight and cannot do anything about it and the thought of stretch marks really scare me! i guess its just because i'm young though but i just keep in mind i'm gunner have my gorgeous baby after it all and aslong as you eat healthy everything should be fine. i think everyone has ther moments when they feel really down about therselfs but i know i'v been feeling alot better the further in my pregnancy i get. Hope you feel better soon anyways hun n i bet u look beautiful :) xxx
just wanted to put out there but there is such a thing as ante-natal depression.

may be worth having a chat with your midwife, it could be your suffering from that
I'm really worried it is something like that, as it scares me so much!!!!

I'm just at a loss i just can't seem to pick myself up it awful :cry:
AH hun :hug:
i know how your feel my pregnancy hormones have been raging like a demented loony for over a week now crying shouting laughing hystericaly crying agian angry frustrated worried crying some more
ect ect :roll: :roll:
It part an parcel of preggershood
so unfair bu i keep telling my self its all worth it to see and hold my precious Son in my arms.

James has been getting a hard time from me too sometimes he gets anoyed with my moods but most of the time he find them amusing and sweet in some strange way
Big hug from me love :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
you can moan on hear when ever you like to vent your spleen and let of steam we dont mind
we will rant and rave the next day and you'll be making us feel better
hope you feel better in yourself soon
lol sarah :hug:
Aw dont worry! I feel the same some days!

Going from being small to being big is just weird...

I know its because of the baby but it just makes me not want to go out some days incase people think im just fat and not pregnant!
im sure my face has gone rounder aswel and thats scaring me

But then i have good days aswel where im happy to have my bump

It all affects your moods

xxx :hug:
Hello Hon,

I'm sorry to hear you are feeling rotten. I was feeling pretty poo a few weeks ago too. Can I recommend a book that really helped me? It's the Gentle Birth Method. It has lots of advice a lot of which I haven't had time to take on board but the eating regime has been amazing for me. Within 2 days of following it I found I felt much more positive and had tons more energy. I also have not put on any weight since 20 weeks and feel really healthy. I haven't followed the diet religiously but the whole concept has been really holistic for me. I am more relaxed and calm, I feel positive and centred. And believe it or not I am looking forward to the labour.

Not sure if it would be helpful to you too, but it came highly recommended to me and has proven to be a huge success on my own personal level.

Either way, I wish yoo all the best and hope you start to feel better soon.

Becs xxx

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