can't let go. UPDATED


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i'm an intelligent girl (even if i do say so myself!) and if i read a post like what i'm gonna put next i would feel so sorry for the poor, naive little author- i know what i'm gonna put is tragic and grasping onto sackfuls of straws but i cant help it :wall: :wall: :wall:

i need someone to shake me and slap me in the face! this is why:

as u know i got a BFP on sunday 16 november, i tested because the withdrawal bleed i'd had on the wednesday kept stopping and starting and i just had an "aura" like i did when i was pregnant with millie (hard to explain and didnt realise at time but looking back) going from my previous "period" (withdrawal bleed from pill) i wouldve been 5 weeks on wednesday 19 november. but i went to EPU that day due to light bleeding and my hCG level was 961. (which would be right for 5 weeks as checked on internet!)

well on friday 21 november my hCG was only 636 :( so iv been diagnosed with a m/c.

however, even only at 5 weeks its very early but i'd AT LEAST expect SOME pain- and more blood than this :think: i'd expect it to be AT LEAST as bad as a period even if not any heavier or more painful. but its not. its painless- and bleeding only needs pantliners- not even soaking them thru or anything (sorry tmi!)

and being on the pill with both my pregnancies, i obviously ovulated at a wierd time the first time with my daughter, because my LMP with her was 24 august 2006 but at my first scan i thought i was 14+5 weeks and they put me back to 13+2, meaning i was 10 days less far gone than i thought i was. i know their dates were correc because my new due date- moved from 31 may '07 to 10 june '07 was the date i gave birth!

so what if the same thing this time? what if, instead of 5 weeks when my hCG was 961 i was only 3 weeks 4 days? :think: i dont think hCG could be that high so soon tho- unless its possible with multiples pregnancies? i cant help thinking that i couldve been pregnant with twins (i got non-identicals on my side and my boyf got non-identicals AND identicals on his side) and lost one of them :think:

i dont mean to sound insensitive to those who've miscarried one twin or multiple, i really hope i dont upset anyone by painting this scenario as a "hope" in my case so to speak i know its horrible but i think i'm just refusing to believe that im no longer pregnant! :wall:

another unlikely but non-upsetting "hope" is that they mis-read my second result and it was 1636 instead of 636, and they wrote the "1" over a line on a box (i dont know where they write these things even if there are any boxes but this is how crazy this makes me!) so it LOOKS like only 636 :pray:

anyway they want me to go to hosp tomorrow for another hCG blood test. of course io'm hoping my unrealistic explanations for the hCG are true and i'm still pg- but at least even if i dont hear what i want to hear and theyve plummeted to near zero then at least i can get closure!

it is a common thing to go completely in denial :wall: i'm not usually succeptible to things like this!
have u done another preg test hun is it still positive?
no but it might just be positive anyway if iv still got hcg from the m/c (if this is one- look there i go again!) would it be neg by now? :think:
i would have though (but no expert)that if your numbers were coming down as quick as they say that it would be neg or very faint
My preg tests stayed positive for a long time (sorry).....
i think it was about 4/5 weeks until they were no longer massive positives :(

You could be right trixi, you could be right... I hope you find out soon hun..
I was in a lot of pain when i m/c, like hot water bottle and cocodamol not quite cutting it :(
Trix, I hope you are put at ease with this soon, it must be awful to have it in your head you have m/c but deep down hope you havent, if that makes sense :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck tomorrow x

:pray: they have it wrong as well, And you come away with a happy result x
ok i did a test- i got some of those dippy stick ones ejjie kindly sent me after i was told by some nurse at the hosp to test after 14 days and if not neg go to hosp (have since been told i need to go for more bloods anyway) - anyway it was a BFP, but really faint, like bubblegum pink, and took a couple minutes to even show up. (11days ago the 2 lines GLOWED as bright as each other and appeared pretty much at the same time- straight away) so iv confirmed to the foolish half of my brain what the sensible half knew anyway- its all over for sure :(

back to feeling really low again tho :roll: iv just undone 5 days worth of healing :wall:
Aw hunny :hug:

Definitely get back to the doctors and get some answers - it's not fair of them to leave you not knowing for sure for this long.

When I got BFP - I got faint lines on the sunday, stronger on the monday and even stronger on the Tuesday (plus showed up on a digital). Still showed up pregnant on a digital on thursday but by the time I went to the doctors on Friday the test they did showed negative so mine obviously dropped very quickly (by the monday my hcg was only 2.9). Don't know if that helps at all.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
gosh- u know what- mind over matter is astonishing!!!! now i'v fully accepted it, i took a shower just now and during it i had two of what i can only describe as "mini-mini-contractions" :shock: like the veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy early ones well the "effacing pains" i had 2 days before i gave birth. sort of took my breath away a bit, made me gasp! now those were the sorts of pains i'd been expecting! nowhere near as long as a contraction and of course not even a billion miles near as painful, but still- definite uterine tension going on down there! none since tho. and no "gushing" blood.

ugh i just want this to be over, i want to get on with my life. i was happy before and not even thinking about having a baby. now i;m grieving a lost one and yearning to be pregnant again. i wish i was back to how i was before :|
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Don't know what else to say hun so just sending you lots of hugs instead
i just wanted to jump in with the possibility of it being twins. my son oliver was a twin, and i lost the twin at about 7 weeks. for me the loss then was physically as bad as the losses i went on to have after.

well i havent had any more pains, still bleeding but still very light :wall:

been nearly 10 days now grrr :evil: i'd rather have had 3 days of pouring than this long, drawn out spotting i feel so dirty wearing pads!

off to hospital in an hour or so to get blood tested again.x
When will you get your results back hun?
Sorry to hear it is being so hard for you, i can only offer hugs and feel free to pm me when ever you like :hug:

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