cant have sex


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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me and hubby tried having sex lastnight but couldnt because everytie we tried i needed to wee
even when i got up and went and tried again it felt the same
is this normal?
manda xx
yah i think it will just be pressure on your bladder
ewww that is minging lol my hubby said we should do it in the bathroom then i can pee anywhere i want!!!
manda xx
Or in the Shower?? That way he wouldn't even know!! hahaahahah


lol i am not weeing while having sex you lot do make me laugh!!!
manda xx
ive never had to much of a sex drive hubbys is really really high
so i feel bad as its just one thing after anouther
in 1st tri i would get bad cramps after sex so i dint want it then when the bump showed up he was worried about hurting the baby
now in 2nd tri sex drive is at an all time low and the wee'ing thing
poor hubby i really do feel for him im trying to hard bt it just aint happening
manda xx
my sex drive has dimished somewhat... but when i do get horny i can't get v wet (sorry TMI :oops: :oops: ) and its just putting both of us off :( :( i know he doesn't really think it, but i end up getting upset that he doesn't think i fancy him and start convincing myself that he's gonna go off me cos i'm fat and won't have sex with him. bloody pregnancy hormones :wall: :wall:
aww hun seems quite a few of us are having sex "issues"
have you tried using lube? not sure if you can when preg though :?
manda xx
midna i like your style

(sounds like our sex life b4 i got preg!)

def shower/bath he wont know, he might even like it that wet mine does! :rotfl:
thats the thing hubby wants me to pee on him (strange fantasy he has)
im really not up for it i draw the line at pee'ing lol
manda xx
just read that to my hubby he just wet himself laughing and now he has ideas about peeing on me in the bath :)
i will wait till after the baby then try to wee'ing thing i think atleast then i can be drunk lol
manda xx
midna said:
manda224 said:
thats the thing hubby wants me to pee on him (strange fantasy he has)
im really not up for it i draw the line at pee'ing lol
manda xx

LOL ...aww your sex life would be at an all time high all round! he gets what he wants you get what you want everyones a winner baby!!
My OH thinks its funny to pee on me when Im in the bath he knows I cant move fast lol but I always get him back in the shower or wipe tit milk on his head .. it makes him squirm.

Push the boundarys manda ..hehe at least try it once eh xx

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
midna said:
manda224 said:
thats the thing hubby wants me to pee on him (strange fantasy he has)
im really not up for it i draw the line at pee'ing lol
manda xx

LOL ...aww your sex life would be at an all time high all round! he gets what he wants you get what you want everyones a winner baby!!
My OH thinks its funny to pee on me when Im in the bath he knows I cant move fast lol but I always get him back in the shower or wipe tit milk on his head .. it makes him squirm.

Push the boundarys manda ..hehe at least try it once eh xx

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
no waiii!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I am soooo naive, I thought it was some sort of urban myth? People pee on each other during sex? :shock: :shock:

My sex drive has never been higher...but I am too scared to have sex...we haven't whilst I've been pg. I m/c last time a few hours after we had sex. I know it is probably coincidence, but it has really put me off.

I read that orgasms stimulate oxitocin the hormone that induces labour...but does that just mean when you are nearer term???

Someone tell me it is ok to have sex, I am desperate :rotfl:
i think as long as you haven't been spotting in early pregnancy, its absolutely fine to have sex - just don't be too rough about it i guess! :)

just wish my body would oblige :wall:

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