
Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
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I worked up until a week ago and was fine, now i have finished work i cannot motivate myself. I feel tired after doing the smallest thing and keep taking little naps and cant motivate myself to do anything even though stuff needs doing! :wall: I have my hospital bags packed except for a few stupid things that NEED doing but i just cant b arsed! Then i have loads of companys i need to inform i have moved home...not exactly back breaking stuff, but have i done it? Have i fuck! Theres lots of loose ends to tie up before LO comes along but my body has just given up! :wall:
LOL.. welcome to my world! I went through my nesting phase and then just suddenly cant be arsed to do anything atall! I have a little spurt of energy now and then but thats about it.

enjoy it and relax!

Claire x
i'm exactly the same! it took all my might to get dressed for the midwife appointment i have in 15 minutes (but i'm still loungin on the sofa!), i probably won't move for the rest of the week now. i've still got boxes of stuff everywhere even though i moved house two weeks ago! where the hell is my nesting instinct?!
It's my first day of maternity leave today and all I've done is write a list of everything I need to do :rotfl:

I'd love to nap but have a 19 month old to run around after so we've had a Thomas DVD day :shhh: and I've sat doing nothing for most of the day.

I keep telling myself there's still loads of time then looking at my ticker & thinking maybe not...
I've written a list of things to do as well as it now seems to be the only thing to get me to move and do something. I find breaking things up into small things helps. :hug:
i have a million items of baby clothes to wash, dry and iron but i cant be arsed, perhaps after my appointment this afternoon to discuss my options about the breech problem it might kick me into gear. Hears hoping.
Same here! I just seem to sleep all the time! :sleep:
aww hun I feel exactly the same! I have absolutely no energy half the time. I spent most of the time asleep!

my routine at present goes something like...
I get up at 10, eat, maybe do something til about 12, then sleep til around 3, eat, play a game til about 5, sleep, eat dinner then watch a film with OH! :roll:

any time I do spend awake I seem to spend watching TV or festering on the internet! Don't worry about it hun, the way I look at it this is the last time we are going to be able to do this. LO's when they're born will be keeping us constantly occupied!!

make the best of it and just chill out, doss and sleeep :sleep:
yep me too! i look at the things that need doing and think 'sod em' i just cant be arsed to do it, going to the loo takes all my daily energy up so none left for other things :?
Yep me too. I feel exactly the same but the problem with me is i'm a bit too laid back about it all. I think I need somebody to tell me how important it is to be prepared cos for some reason i think someone is going to come along and complete my to-do list for me. :? Hmmmmm... i think realisation has just kicked in. I'm off :wink:
lol i wish someone would do my to do list for me :(

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