Hi hun, try not to get frustrated! I asked my mw about this as you hear so many conflicting pieces of advice about whether you should feel your own etc etc...my mw said not only is it "empowering" (her word not mine!) to know what your cervix feels like it can mean you know the diference between when you are in labour and dialating and going to hospital only to find you are 1cm and being sent back home! She said to try sitting on the loo with one foot on the floor and one up on the toilet seat (not especially easy when you have a 3st bump in your way) and to put your forefinger and middle finger in your foof (she said vagina but thats way too formal for this conversation!) and reach back as it feeling through to your back passage. Try moving your fingers up and down, like Lexi said you'll come across a little donut type thing. In a non pregnant non softening cervix it'll feel the same as the tip of your nose, quite firm. If you are "softening" it'll feel like the inside of your cheek. There will be a dip in front of your cervix which is where the mw will be able to tell if your cervix is shortening, just move up a bit from there, you'll know when you've found it. It takes a bit of practise and freaks you out a bit when you can get a tip of your finger in (sorry way tmi) MAKE SURE you have clean hands and short fingernails. You are more likely to be relaxed doing it yourself than having a stranger have a rummage, you know what will feel comfortable and what doesn't. If it doesn't then stop. Some women have a high posterior cervix and can be difficult to reach so don't panic if you can't feel anything, just try again when you feel like it.
Sorry for the essay, my midwife has been a star with explaining things and just thought I'd pass on what she said. I can feel a difference with mine, especially after an hour on the pilates ball! x