cant belive my mother....


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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she has just been round on one of her lets go and annoy manda days.
i showed her some baby stuff we have brought and said oh its pink do you think your having a girl?
i said yes and that was it she was off saying i have to call it ellen i laughed and said no bloody way its skank (sorry to any ellens on here)
she started going on about how its her name and gone back for generations i said look mum its my kid ive settled on the names i aint changing them but she is adiment its having ellen in it even telling my hubby him and her can go reg it once its born :shock: :shock:
then she processed to tell my hubby that the baby will be huge when born as i weighed 2 and half stone at 6 months how the mw told my mum to put me on food at 4 days and by 6 months i would eat an adults dinner (this is all true i had erm issues lol)
then to top it off she told hubby about how i made history when i was born by peeing inside my mother while she was giving birth to me and i was born with pee burn marks all over my face :shock: :shock:
why must they be so annoying and embarrassing.
sorry needed to rant hubby just thinks it so funny im fed up with everyone seeing me having a baby thing as a joke!!!!
manda xx
Dont take this the wrong way but if i were you id keep alot of stuff to yourself (ie from family and certain friends), ppl always seem to comment and judge, names, the clothes you buy why you do this and that!

Hope you're feeling a bit better now though

That is plain disrespectful. I can imagine not wanting such things being spouted off about ME, especially to my significant other - that would make my face burn for hours. I'm sorry your mother is giving you such a hard time, you name the baby whatever you bloody well want. :hug:
Thats awful that she's being like that - stick to your guns, ellen is old fashioned in my opinion
i just dont understand why she did it i really dont my little girls names are lovely the one for my first born is named after my late nan (my dads mum) who was very dear to me and the middle name is a bit weird but it means something to us. i dont want to revel the names as dont want others using them hehe
i think the fact that im using someones name on my dads side has annoyed her but ellen seriously i even said id called the second girl ellie or elle just to comprimise but nope it had to be first born i said well wait for nats (my little sister) to have a girl then she said no it must be you.
very odd indeed
thanks girls am feeling a bit better for ranting have sent hubby to go buy me a bigmac as the baby loves them hehe
manda xx
she's definately being unreasonable - it's yout baby not hers :hug:
Oh dear. I think she is a bit out of order.

At the end of the day, as you have so rightly told her, this is YOUR baby and YOU will decide on names and whatever else (along with hubby of course).

I wouldn't be scared if I were you to put her in her place, but do it in a nice way. I think she needs to realise that you're an adult and you're going to be a Mummy and the things that happened to her/with you, aren't likely to happen again with your baby.
at the end of the day even if you wanted to call your child moonbeam she should respect it and be happy.

she's probably just getting all wrapped up in it and anyway you might end up having a boy and then ellen would def be a no!

stick to your guns and remember its a decission only you and you hubby can make. :hug:
Yeah all the girls are right, you should do whats best for you and your OH, it's your baby after all. You don't seem like the type of person that will roll over and give in if you really don't want to do mums a bit like yours, tries to control stuff, cause I'm only 20 she thinks i'm her baby but if I put my foot down she backs off. She still tells my OH embarrassing stuff's revenge for not getting her way I think :lol:
thanks all for your kind words il just let her think what she wants and she will have to deal with it when i have the baby.
it could be a boy but all my signs are for a girl im not bothered either way as i have a great boys name aswell hehe
manda xx
Definately name the baby what you want! She will just have to deal with it.

Were you really on solids at 4 days old?!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: and 2 and half stone at 6 months! I've never heard of that before :shock:
yer lol i was lactose intorrelent so couldnt have formula had to have soya and its not filling so i would scream every hour or two for a feed mw in the end told my parents to just give me whatever i could eat baby rusks rice buiscuits. i have photos of me at 8 months old eating sticks of rock and candy canes!!!
it was the 80's lol stranger things were done back then :D
manda xx
I think they do forumula for lactose intolerant babies these days thankfully. That must have been a nightmare for your poor mum
yer my nephew had it aswell (it runs in the family) sma do the lactose free formula so he was fine.
yer my dad got the worst of it as my mum worked all day everyday so he was left to manage me most of the time and 2 other kids lol
manda xx

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