Cant believe what Ive just seen

scatterpatch said:
i cant imagine a pensioner stealing without a reason :think:

Surely most people steal for a reason? :lol:

It's sad sure, but not on.
budge said:
But you did what i probably would have done in that situation and squealed on her. :lol:

Did you like the pun? Bacon/squealed :lol: :rotfl:

i must stop laughing at my own jokes

That actually made me lol. :rotfl:

Aww I still feel sorry for her, and Lauramumof2 is right, she may have been 'not with it' awww I wanna go and find her and give her a hug :(
What annoys me is that it could have been a teenager/person in their 20's/30's who you saw stealing the bacon who also wasn't 'Quite with it' or for some reason couldn't afford it and hadn't eaten for a while or needed to feed their family but because of their age you wouldn't feel sorry for them and wouldn't be saying 'but maybe they couldn't afford it' ect like you are with the old lady.

It is sad if she genuinely is hungry and has no money and was stealing it for that reason but all im saying if this was anyone other than an old lady then you wouldn't be quite so understanding about it.
Im laughing imaging that woman at home having as right old whinge about that "young thing grassing me up"

And telling her husband she tried to nick the bacon but got caught, so its his turn :lol:
Some pensioners are not as nice as they look!

I would have said something too because despite things going up we all still have to pay our way - stealing is wrong whoever is doing it!
Sweetcheeks24 said:
FFS chill out :roll:

Ahem, no need for the eye rolling missus. ;)

I happen to agree with Rachel, TBH I think chances are she was stealing cos she thought she could get away with it, simple as that.
Rachel said:
What annoys me is that it could have been a teenager/person in their 20's/30's who you saw stealing the bacon who also wasn't 'Quite with it' or for some reason couldn't afford it and hadn't eaten for a while or needed to feed their family but because of their age you wouldn't feel sorry for them and wouldn't be saying 'but maybe they couldn't afford it' ect like you are with the old lady.

It is sad if she genuinely is hungry and has no money and was stealing it for that reason but all im saying if this was anyone other than an old lady then you wouldn't be quite so understanding about it.

If I had seen a younger person who looked not quite with it or so scruffy I would definately think about their situation before judging them yes. I do all the time. I am type who see's someone selling big issue and wants nothing more to go and take them home and helo them find a job. It's not about their age. It's about feeling bad that they are in a situation that makes them steal. :(
Urchin said:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
FFS chill out :roll:

Ahem, no need for the eye rolling missus. ;)

I happen to agree with Rachel, TBH I think chances are she was stealing cos she thought she could get away with it, simple as that.

:oops: I know I realised I was a bit ahem so gave a proper response and was gonna delete this one before anyone seen :roll: :wink:
Lol true, phrased that really wrong, she may well have just been stealing for the sake of it but i just meant, i dont think an old lady is as likely to steal for the thrill !!
and its not just because shes old its because a its food, i dont think i could rat out anyone steailng bread for example, but even if my own nan walked out with a great big chocolate cake, or something id have to tell !!!

Sweet im the same i actually bought someone begging a bag of chips the other day, all wrapped up and everything and they threw them at me :( said * i just wanted some bloody money *, lobbed them right at me !!!
Then again another big issue seller today, who i gave a wide berth cus of the chip throwing incident was like * big issue love, most expensive loo roll money can buy ?! *, hes restored my faith in big issue-ers and beggers again :cheer: :hug:
scatterpatch said:
Sweet im the same i actually bought someone begging a bag of chips the other day, all wrapped up and everything and they threw them at me :( said * i just wanted some bloody money *, lobbed them right at me !!!
Then again another big issue seller today, who i gave a wide berth cus of the chip throwing incident was like * big issue love, most expensive loo roll money can buy ?! *, hes restored my faith in big issue-ers and beggers again :cheer: :hug:

:shock: That chip throwing incident is shocking. Ungrateful so & so

I remember seeing a man begging once and he had a dog so I went and bought the dog some food and the man a sandwich. Luckily they weren't thrown back :lol:

I think the big issue is good actually. I bought one this month. Got chatting to the guy, he was really genuine. He'd split from his girlfriend and been kicked out of her house which he said he was happy to do cos they had a 2 yr old together. His GF stopped him seeing his son and he had no other family so ended up living on the streets and lost his job cos he had no fixed address. He was selling big issue so he could still send money for his little boy :cry: It was a hot day last week and I was gonna buy him an ice cream but he seemed like such a proud man I thought he might take it wrong way so I didn't. Bought a big issue from him though - which BTW he now has to pay tax on and thats why they are £1.50 instead of £1! :roll:
I notice theyd gone up, gave the guy £2 for my expenive toilet paper, and said dont worry bout the change, n then i got down the road and read it was £1.50 and thought that 50p wont even get a can of coke, plus i think those guys only make about 30p on a magazine bless em, u can meet some really lovely people out there !!!

But yeah i wouldnt have minded so much if he had just said look love id rather have the money, need to pay for somewhere to stay or something, then i could have eaten the extra chips !! But what a waste, the sod !!! Aww bless, bet the man with the dog loved you !! I can imagine em both sitting there munching away trying to convince all the other passers by they didnt buy the food !! :rotfl:
I go to university in london, and this guy was begging by the cash point ( never noticed how many beggers, and big issue sellers iv met til now ) trying to get people to spare some change, and then he was asking for cigarettes, and then by the time i got to the front of the queue he was sitting there rolling a roll up, and THEN he fed the dog some rizla !! mad
scatterpatch said:
THEN he fed the dog some rizla !! mad

WTF. I once saw a pished guy feeding a dog a burger but not a rizla. It was a pedigree type dog as well.

A lot of situations are more complex than they first seem. Thats why people or situations shouldnt be judged at face value.
I think you were quite right to report her, stealing is stealing whoever does it.

I worked in a small supermarket when I was a student and some of our worst shoplifting offenders were the innocent looking little old ladies. They knew exactly what they were doing too, cheese and meat were their favourite targets. There were a few dodgy independent corner shops nearby who would buy the goods off them cheap to sell on themselves. The old biddies would then be back to spend the money on cheap booze and fags from us. :(
peanut1982 said:
I think you were quite right to report her, stealing is stealing whoever does it.

I worked in a small supermarket when I was a student and some of our worst shoplifting offenders were the innocent looking little old ladies. They knew exactly what they were doing too, cheese and meat were their favourite targets. There were a few dodgy independent corner shops nearby who would buy the goods off them cheap to sell on themselves. The old biddies would then be back to spend the money on cheap booze and fags from us. :(

:shock: omg!!
I know they cant all be sweet old ladies, I work with the elderly and have come across a few sods.
(like the woman who didnt want to get outta bed for her rehab, but bascailly had to, punching me in the tummy, saying "hope you were pregnant,coz you wont be now"!!! Luckily this is before I was preggers or Id of gone MENTAL. And btw, there was nothing wrong with this lady eg dementia, alzheimers etc....... she knew exacty what she was doing!! )
:shock: :shock:
It really irritates me when people seem to think that old= not all there

My mum works with old people keeping them out of hospital, and nearly all of them are as all there as i am (or more).Yes theres the odd one who has problems (like the one who thought my mum was flashing to her dead husband in the garden) but they know what they're doing.

People like that steal out of bordom, it spices up life a little, and they know that at their age they will get away with it. I know this from experience, its why most teenagers steal, life is boring, especially if your in a good christian school, and one way to get a buzz is to steal things, you know that when your 13/14 you'll get a slap on the wrists and a telling off.

I'd have told on her too tbh, there are some HORRIBLE OAP's around my area, and some lovely ones. But i know if i had stollen even the tiniest thing, even by accident (say popped it somewhere and forgotten about it) i would have been dragged off and the police called, and YES it is all due to my age and the beach ball attached to my stomach!

Anyway rant over lol
If I'd of seen her I'd of just thought 'Good on you', I definately wouldn't of dreamed of grassing her up. I hate Tesco's, they are greedy and are trying to take over the country, they have put so many small businesses out of business.

If I saw somebody stealing from a small business though I'd probably say something because it would probably make a difference to them, but tesco would never of noticed.
abcd1234 said:
It really irritates me when people seem to think that old= not all there

Sounds as if I do a similar job like your mums. If all the people she works with are all there then they are lucky. Sadly its not always the case in some areas.
I assume you dont work with old people then or have any understanding that quite a lot of them arent quite with it

Surely thats not up to the general public to decide. If shes stealing on purpose, she needs to be stopped - its only fair. If shes "not with it" then surely she needs help or she could be dangerous to herself or others.

The point is though, she was right to tell someone, not only for the companys sake, but the ladies too.
I wouldn't have said anything whether she was 18 or 80 because, without knowing her circumstances I couldn't know how desperate she was / how many hungry mouths she had to feed at home.....and Tesco won't miss a few packs of bacon, some of which they'll inevitably end up throwing away anyway.

Not saying everyone should go on a bacon stealing spree but as a bit of a socialist I'm siding with the common people on this one :lol:

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