Can you have sex with a low lying placenta?


Apr 1, 2008
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Hi, Had a scan this week and they said the placenta is very low and touching the opening. Hopefully it should move up and they want to check in ten weeks. I'm 23 weeks pregnant and this my fourth baby. When i mentioned it to my friend, by email that it was low lying, she said she had the same problem with her fifth pregnancy and was advised not to have sex because of the problems. I have never heard of this! I'm not due to see my midwife til next week and have to try to find out somehow as I have sex twice a day! Anyone know and if its true, how do i tell partner? yikes..... :?
:eek: Twice a day?!?!?!?

In that case I refuse to offer any advice to you purely on the basis that I am jealous!!! :shakehead:

(and I don't know the answer but that's not the point!)

Hope your next scan shows it's moved up Honey, with my first pregnancy I had a low lying placenta and it did move up in time!

Sarah xxx
Blimey, twice a day, I wish I had the energy for once a week (and so does my other half) tee hee.

I'd call your midwife to find out as if you have it that often you'd better get an answer quick!!
:shakehead: lol twice a day haha,l was like that till l got pregnant.with low lying placenta l was told NO SEX! l had to wait till l had the next scan to see if it had moved up.having sex with low lying placenta can cause miscarriage.with my last pregnancy l was told this,and for many weeks l was panicking incase the placenta went even lower.luckily the placenta did move up and it was only later on in the pregnancy l had sex when l was told l could do so.
I think i have sex twice a day, he just doesnt wake me up when he is doing it :rotfl:
twice a day with 3 kids already are you for real??? bloody hell!!!!!!!! :roll: :rotfl:
Sorry... Me and partner have always had high libidos... I'm used to thinking most people have it often and never mention how many times. I can always find some 'me' time with my partner!!!! (Probably best not to mention how many times on the weekend then!) :lol:
Oh them were the days! :roll: Me and OH were the same! (heck why do people think we are having our 4th babies hahaha) but since I got pregnant this time, he has hardly come near!? I have no idea why this time is different to him lol he was ok all other times!! :rotfl:

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