Can we see the "impossible" be possible?!


Apr 2, 2021
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I've posted on these forums a few times over the years... I've been trying for nearly 14 years to have a child! I've conceived, and lost, 9 confirmed times (with 2 additional suspected, but not confirmed). This puts me at a total of 11 miscarriages.

My successful terms range from 6 weeks to 20 weeks. After the first 10 pregnancies, I had not been able to successfully conceive for many years. It was believed that due to the amount of scar tissue, the level of my endometriosis, the extremity of my thrombophilia and my age... It was believed that I would never conceive again!

Last year, however, we proved that impossibility to be a fraction of a percent possible. Unfortunately we only made it close to 10 weeks. Due to the severity of this miscarriage, and following a thorough exam, we were left with a less than 1% chance of ever conceiving again.

Well... at 37 years old... I'm 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant!!

I have the best HCG levels that I've ever had! For the first time, EVER, I actually have "normal" pregnancy symptoms Vs my off the wall/my body is an anomaly pregnancy symptoms! For the first time, EVER, I have all 3 meds on board! I'm actually getting positive urine tests... this is an extreme rarity for my body... even with confirmed pregnancies, positive quantitative HCG results and healthy ultrasounds... (yeah... my body is strange!) I'm actually hungry and I'm gaining weight! With every previous pregnancy I completely lose my appetite, I have to pretty much force feed and I drop a ton of weight! I'm not spiking, or running, high fevers!

I know our odds...
I know our chances...
I understand my history, all too well...

Reality is not eluding me...

However... some how... I'm actually hopeful! Despite everything my mind is telling me... I literally can't suppress my very hesitant excitement for once!

Please pray for us guys... Please pray for the "impossible" to be possible!!

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I've posted on these forums a few times over the years... I've been trying for nearly 14 years to have a child! I've conceived, and lost, 9 confirmed times (with 2 additional suspected, but not confirmed). This puts me at a total of 11 miscarriages.

My successful terms range from 6 weeks to 20 weeks. After the first 10 pregnancies, I had not been able to successfully conceive for many years. It was believed that due to the amount of scar tissue, the level of my endometriosis, the extremity of my thrombophilia and my age... It was believed that I would never conceive again!

Last year, however, we proved that impossibility to be a fraction of a percent possible. Unfortunately we only made it close to 10 weeks. Due to the severity of this miscarriage, and following a thorough exam, we were left with a less than 1% chance of ever conceiving again.

Well... at 37 years old... I'm 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant!!

I have the best HCG levels that I've ever had! For the first time, EVER, I actually have "normal" pregnancy symptoms Vs my off the wall/my body is an anomaly pregnancy symptoms! For the first time, EVER, I have all 3 meds on board! I'm actually getting positive urine tests... this is an extreme rarity for my body... even with confirmed pregnancies, positive quantitative HCG results and healthy ultrasounds... (yeah... my body is strange!) I'm actually hungry and I'm gaining weight! With every previous pregnancy I completely lose my appetite, I have to pretty much force feed and I drop a ton of weight! I'm not spiking, or running, high fevers!

I know our odds...
I know our chances...
I understand my history, all too well...

Reality is not eluding me...

However... some how... I'm actually hopeful! Despite everything my mind is telling me... I literally can't suppress my very hesitant excitement for once!

Please pray for us guys... Please pray for the "impossible" to be possible!!
This is so awesome to hear! What a blessing! So happy for you, and definitely keep you in my prayers! Massive Congrats.

ps this was encouraging to read after my own journey..though not nearly as challenging as yours or others on this forum. What a miracle!
This is so awesome to hear! What a blessing! So happy for you, and definitely keep you in my prayers! Massive Congrats.

ps this was encouraging to read after my own journey..though not nearly as challenging as yours or others on this forum. What a miracle!

Thank you so much! The forum has always been a much needed friend throughout my journey.

Good luck with your own and I'll keep you in our prayers as well!❤️
Congratulations! This makes me happy to read. I hope this is it for you, sounds like you definitely deserve it! xx
Starting to lose my composure... My appointment is a week away and for the first time my anxiety is completely triggered!

Please dear God... Please let me fears be unfounded... Please let this appointment go incredible and allow me to feel excitement!!
Starting to lose my composure... My appointment is a week away and for the first time my anxiety is completely triggered!

Please dear God... Please let me fears be unfounded... Please let this appointment go incredible and allow me to feel excitement!!
Keep us posted!!!!
My appointment, on the 1st, showed a very small baby with a very slow heartbeat...

Instead of 6 weeks and 6 days they put me at 5 weeks and 6 days... Meaning I had 6 positive tests at only 9 days after the intercourse that resulted in this pregnancy...

So, I'm either much earlier than anyone anticipated and just need to give the little one a bit more time or development stopped a week before my appointment and we are just waiting for the worst case scenario to occur...

My doctors aren't overly hopeful with how slow the heart rate was... regardless of gestational age...

They rescheduled me for a follow-up on the 11th.
My appointment, on the 1st, showed a very small baby with a very slow heartbeat...

Instead of 6 weeks and 6 days they put me at 5 weeks and 6 days... Meaning I had 6 positive tests at only 9 days after the intercourse that resulted in this pregnancy...

So, I'm either much earlier than anyone anticipated and just need to give the little one a bit more time or development stopped a week before my appointment and we are just waiting for the worst case scenario to occur...

My doctors aren't overly hopeful with how slow the heart rate was... regardless of gestational age...

They rescheduled me for a follow-up on the 11th.
Hoping for the best outcome for this situation.. <3
My appointment, on the 1st, showed a very small baby with a very slow heartbeat...

Instead of 6 weeks and 6 days they put me at 5 weeks and 6 days... Meaning I had 6 positive tests at only 9 days after the intercourse that resulted in this pregnancy...

So, I'm either much earlier than anyone anticipated and just need to give the little one a bit more time or development stopped a week before my appointment and we are just waiting for the worst case scenario to occur...

My doctors aren't overly hopeful with how slow the heart rate was... regardless of gestational age...

They rescheduled me for a follow-up on the 11th.
Do continue to keep us posted!!! Praying for the best news. The wait is long though!

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