can u tel when baby is engaging?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I keep getting funny pains down below like a dropping sensation any ideas what this coyld be? I still cant make outline of baby out
With Lacey I didn't have a clue! Just kept going to see the MW and she would write 2/5th engaged etc.. I keep getting pressure in my pelvis but I think it's where little man's getting heavy but I know he is head down too x x
I'm pants at knowing if he's engaged or not! I get loads of pressure down below when I'm walking or bouncing on my birthing ball but I don't know if he's engaged or not x
I could tell with my first two but with this one i keep thinking omg I am But when I get checked up I'm Not lol!!!! But mw said on third baby when it engages normally labour has already started or will 90% start in like the next 14hrs coz I've had two already so I'm happy in a way baby hasn't engaged yet lol!!

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I couldn't tell whilst baby was engaging but the way I was sure he had dropped was when I was stood up I could squish the top of my bump in, it wasn't solid any more, iykwim.
Have been told today my baby has engaged lol! It's only just at it's 4/5ths so still 4 left to go and Just 1 in but they said I could labour any time now lol! X

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Thanks ladies, prob still too early for me but get these funny thumping sensations every now and then and then some at the top of my bump
My first engaged really early so you might be they reckon first engage faster x

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