can things change??


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2014
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so I'm 6 weeks pregnant and seen the baby's heart beat Monday as I was badly bleeding so I needed a scan, but everything was fine, today I went back has the bleeding hasn't stopped and they told me the baby has moved right down and they couldn't find a heart, it could be the position its in but it shouldn't of moved so down and told me that's its bad news, so now I have to wait til Monday for another scan! And was told to expect bad bleeding and pain over the weekend, could things change or ?
I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now. I'm afraid I don't have any answers but I sincerely hope all is well. How far along are you now? Could it be that it's still very early and that the low position is hiding the heartbeat? I don't want to give you false hope but I know how hard it is for them to see things when it's early x
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6 weeks, they told me to expect bad bleeding but it seems to be slowing down x
At 6 weeks they couldn't see my babies heart beat and I measuring 4.5 weeks then I caught up later on. It's easy to measure wrong and if baby is in wrong position it makes it even harder for them. And babies start off low don't they? Again don't want to get your hopes up but I think you have some reason to at least try and stay positive. With my mmc they told me to expect to bleed and 3 hours later I proper bled with no doubt about what was happening. My body was 13 weeks pregnant but the baby measured 5 weeks so I had a lot of uterus tissue etc but it was still obviously a miscarriage if that makes sense xx
yeah the baby was up higher Monday with a heart beat now today its low and no heart beat x
Aw Chelsea I'm so sorry to hear this. Take care of yourself xx
I really do hope it's better news on Monday hun. Waiting for confirmation one way or the other is awful xx
Was that the EPU that told you that? My LO is laying very low down & the 2nd scan I had they found it difficult to find the baby as the baby kept hiding in a place they couldn't quite reach & wouldn't move at all. I'm not saying it's similar to mine at all as I'm not am expert but mine is laying quite low down but hb can be found. There the professionals so they should know & I would hope they wouldn't tell you something like that if it wasn't to be the case as it's quite distressing. I really hope that things go Kay for you though honey & it's good if the bleeding has stopped! Let's hope the little bean proves them wrong
I hope you get some positive news on Monday. The wait is just so horrible! Xxx

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