Can someone kindly enlighten me


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2008
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This is my first and I'm totally clueless... please bear with me :oops:

Where can you leave a newborn (either awake or asleep) during the day (that is obviously safe for his back) ? I only have a cot at the moment and I'd like to put the baby in it at night...but what about day time?
We had a moses basket on a stand in the living room for daytime naps :)
ive also got a moses basket with stand in the living room.. even though hes usually on me!!
We have a cotbed in the nursery, moses basket, and also a carrycot that goes with the pushchair..........and I plan on getting a travel/play cot to keep him away from the dog.

He will be sleeping in the moses basket at night by our bed for the first few months (as recommended these days), and will be in the room I am in whilst sleeping in the day - either in his carry cot, moses basket or travel cot.

When he is a little older I will try and get him used to his cotbed during his daytime naps!!

I guess it depends where he is when he falls asleep :D
yeah we just put her in the moses basket and moved that to wherever we were! but take heed from me dont try to carry it by the handles with the baby inside tho- i tried that and the weight isnt distributed easily she ended up rolling out onto the floor :shock: they should come with warnings those things! luckily she was fine as i'm not very tall so she was only centimetres from the floor and it was on carpet- lucky it wasnt on the stairs it happened :shock: :shock: :shock:
I had the changing mat on the carpet. Whenever she fell asleep i'd just put a blanket on it and laid her on top. I struggled getting the moses basket and stand downstairs whilst looking after a baby on my own. Plus the stand never collapsed so i gave up trying to drag things up and down.
Moses basket here too, and also on his changing mat on the floor. I always put a towel on it so it's not cold or uncomfortable to lie on, but he always seemed quite content there.

if i can prize Levi away from my others kids he goes into his basket.
I had a moses basket too, also i had one of those vibrating chairs that reclines right back so they are ok to sleep in..i used that a lot because i could rock him to sleep in it or use the vibration to soothe him! in fact that was the best buy ever!! because it also sits up, has a toybar, they can be strapped in and it turns into a toddler was great through all the ages from newborn to now!!
For us it was a changing mat with a large folded fleece blanket on the floor with a blanket on top when needed! :)
Lola-Mae goes in her pram in the day (its one with a carrycot) and moses basket upstair if Im up there!
We had a Fisher Price soothing glider downstairs which Maddison had her naps in during the day, we still have it actually so will be using that again this time :D
Lisamj said:
Moses basket here too, and also on his changing mat on the floor. I always put a towel on it so it's not cold or uncomfortable to lie on, but he always seemed quite content there.


same here, though often he would wake up the minute I tried to put him down so he slept on me most of the time! :D
Minxy said:
We had a moses basket on a stand in the living room for daytime naps :)

thats the same as what im doing with amber :)
We had a swing thing... that we could put lil miss in..and I had one for Tia too... Tbh if I ever put either of them down, the minute their heads hit a flat surface they'd be awake in seconds... :roll: THe swing tilted pretty far back too :D But with Lil miss most of the time she was in a sling to sleep and well.. still is :rotfl:
Ryan slept in my bed at night and in his bouncy chair during the day, he actualy still does sleep in his bouncy chair during the day

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