Day time naps


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Isabella has been a good sleeper at night, we can put her into her cot half awake and she will go to sleep. HOWEVER, in the day she will not have a nap in her cot and I either have to get her to sleep in the car or by falling asleep with me. This nap can range from 20 mins to nearly 2 hours. How do you get your LO to have a nap?
Lola will only nap in the day if we go for a walk. I normally put her in her pram and we go around the block and she's asleep when we get back :D
I do the same as i do at night i put her in her cot and she goes to sleep within minutes :)

Some days she does fall asleep in the buggy
Nic'n'Keeley said:
I do the same as i do at night i put her in her cot and she goes to sleep within minutes :)

Some days she does fall asleep in the buggy

Do you put Keeley in her cot for a sleep the same time each day???
i put Willow i her cot and in her growbag she will sleep for up to an hour in the morning and up to 2 hpours in the afternoon.
Olivia goes down for her nap about 12ish everyday. I just put her on er tummy and she goes off
dylan goes to sleep on my boob gemerally and them i get him down on sofa moving him upstairs would wake him. he tends to have a anp when tired not structured but his bedtime is very structured
Eveadel said:
Nic'n'Keeley said:
I do the same as i do at night i put her in her cot and she goes to sleep within minutes :)

Some days she does fall asleep in the buggy

Do you put Keeley in her cot for a sleep the same time each day???

Days that i am at home she naps 2-4 in her cot... :)
I think that is what my problem might be. I go out most days and Isabella doesnt have a structured sleep pattern for the daytime.
Kai has never been the best napper, the last 2 days we have been in because of the terrible snow and he hasn't had one. I hope he catches up today.

I don find when he has been energetic in the morning, the chances of a nap are a lot higher. But playing is always more important.

If we go out though, he tend to have a power nap of an hour around 5 and he still goes his normal bedtime.
Arianna goes to her cot awake and naps at 1.30pm from anything from an hour to 2 hour nap.

When she was younger, she wouldnt nap unless I stripped her down to just her vest as she figured in her head... clothes on.. must be play time - maybe worth a try :think:
:sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

Ive just put Isabella in her cot and she cried/moaned for about 2 minutes and she is now fast asleep :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Rubes will have a bottle and goes into her cot in the morning around 10am for 2 hours, and same in afternoon...mum follows same routine when she minds her and the only time she doesnt is at nursery coz she is too scared of missing out on fun wth the other kiddies !! :rotfl:

I make sure nursery is dark and warm and as soon as she has her bottle, shes zonked :lol:

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