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Im 17 Pregnant and need help


Active Member
May 7, 2005
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Hi im Gemma and i have been with my boyfriend Rich for 2 years. I have just found out i was pregnant. When i told Rich he denyed being involvd :shock: so we had this major argument .We are still together and we both dont no what to do .I know he cares for me and i know we both love each other .Its just i want to keep this baby but i havent told him that because im scared of what he'll say .I also havent told my pearents or friends yet .Me and Rich are the only ones who know .I have no one to talk to and need help .Please can someone help me ,I have absolutly no one to talk to.
hi ya
iam 19 and recently got married and i was worried about keeping the baby coz me and my bloke just argue al the time andhe doesn't want kids yet, so i spent alot of time looking at bringing the baby up on my own, and i think if u are sure u are making the rite decision by keeping it and u will love it then it is possible, you can claim so many benefits that it will make life better for you and your baby but u can't depend on them all the time and u have to be wiling to work and be independant, also if u have a supportive family around u can do anything!!!
good luck
love lisa
i am in the same position my boyfriend has now decided that as i refuse to have a abortion we should put the baby up for adoption but i cant, know one else knows and i am petrified of telling anyone. i think my mum will be ok but my dad will go totally bonkers let alone the rest of the family, but one thing is for sure this is my baby and boo aint going anywhere
you need to tell your bloke that the baby is staying but he is more than welcome to go!! it took me a long time to realise bt it was the rite thing to do!!! :?:
Hi its gemma again .Thanx all of you for replying and thanx fior the advice .Please keep intouch .
Gemma x
listen mama, i am 17 yrs old and will be having my first child right after my 18th birthday. but that is not what u wanna know right?? listen no matter how old u are or how long u have been with your boyfriend what u want and know u can handle is what matters. if your boyfriend can say that he was not involved then he is not ready to commit just yet..as a daddy anyway...my boyfriend and i have been together only 8 months and i am 6 months now...yeah it was hard to deal with it and my parents flew off the roof....especially my dad, but thats normal. but here is what to do..talk to you man first find out what he wants to do, let him know your side, then when that is clear go TOGETHER to tell your parents your decision. this way you get more respect from them and they see that u can be mature about things...if he does not go thru with it... talk to yur parents alone and let them know what u plan to do with your life with the baby. let me know how it goes....and GOOD LUCK!!!!! :lol:
BabyBoyGreen said:
listen mama, i am 17 yrs old and will be having my first child right after my 18th birthday. but that is not what u wanna know right?? listen no matter how old u are or how long u have been with your boyfriend what u want and know u can handle is what matters. if your boyfriend can say that he was not involved then he is not ready to commit just yet..as a daddy anyway...my boyfriend and i have been together only 8 months and i am 6 months now...yeah it was hard to deal with it and my parents flew off the roof....especially my dad, but thats normal. but here is what to do..talk to you man first find out what he wants to do, let him know your side, then when that is clear go TOGETHER to tell your parents your decision. this way you get more respect from them and they see that u can be mature about things...if he does not go thru with it... talk to yur parents alone and let them know what u plan to do with your life with the baby. let me know how it goes....and GOOD LUCK!!!!! :lol:
im sorry but it does matter how old you are when your decideing to have children im 21 and havin my first child and i have a really strong relation ship with my partner but emotionly it is hard been pregnant everythin goes threw your head and women do my headin when they are saying i dont know what to do now weather to keeep the child or not IM SORRRY BUT USE CONTRACEPTION ITS FREE its hard but if you are willing to have sex with sumone u are in a relationship or a one night stand WITHOUT CONTRACEPTION you should know what the risks are i planned my child and i would never ever think about abortion thats my opinion thats another life a human growing with a heartbeat dont punish that childs life because you aint ready if you aint in a longterm relationship and u aint stable enough to bring a child into the world use comdomssssssssss sorry if i have afended anyone but if you dont want to get pregnant keep your legs closed or use contraception ...
Totally agree - and I am in my 30's!!

Accidents can happen......to anyone. You musn't ever blame anyone or assume anything about anyone!!!

Much love to all you young'uns!!
i just wanna say that my mum was on the pill when she fell with me and i wa salso on the pill when i fell although i am keeping he baby i really don't think you can judge anyone who doesn't keep a child i don't agree with abortions but what if the father was violent would u risk that?? what if u were homeless would you risk that?? ect........
I totally agree Lisa,

I personally would never consider abortion but thats cause my circumstances are good and I wouldn't need to. There are lots of people out there who have them (not cause they want to) but because they have to, and I am totally behind those people.

Look at rape victims and people like that.............

Never judge a book by its cover.

Lots of love
Hi its Gemma ,
Kerry i totaly agree when you said "dont judge a book by its cover" .I would also like to say ,I am not a stupid little girl who got pregnant by not using contraseption .As some one said use condoms ,well i did and look where that got me ,it is not my fault or anyother girls faults who are going through this if there pretection did not preform to the best of its ability .Iam right now going through the worst situation i have ever exprienced ,but i do not regret anything and have relised what i really want in life .I would also like to say some girls on here have no one to talk to and are finding life hard at the moment ,so before you post a message please think of others feelings ,because my feelings have been hurt due to some peoples voiced opinions .
Gemma x
ur 17 and preg....i'm 14 and preg....and i dont know what to do either..
Hiya helpme09 .Im gemma and u can probs read ma situation sum where .I no how you must be feeling im 17 and terified so i cant think of how you must be feeling and your only 14 .If you eva want to talk you can just pm me if ya want .How far gone are you ?
just pm to chat
gemma x
Hi All!

I just thought that I wanted to say Hi to all you's out there you must be going through a really hard time... I know I am not as young as some of you I am 19, but hey things are hard.. I like coming on here to get things of my chest..

But not all Is good, I found out I was pregnant at 6 wks and I did not tell my partner till I was 11 wks so basically I went through 5 weeks of hell.. all alone with no one to talk to but this forum...

I really needed to get of my chest that no one new but me and I got some horrible replies from ppl on here- really nasty! I misacrried In Jan so I thought that I did not want to tell my partner for hes sake.. I did not want to hurt him like it did before when I misacrried- he was a mess! This 5 weeks for me felt like forever... worried incase I would miscarry.. I would be in a mess, But I thought that I would rather go thru it alone that put my partner through all that pain again... I know this sounds stupid now, that's what I thought.

I just want to say how brave all you's are for going throught what you's are, I hate the fact that ppl think because they are older they know what Is right- Well I am sorry but I think that Is totally wrong...What yous young ladies are doing is so amazing and I respect you's for that...

If any 1 needs to chat feel free too.. I am no expert but I will try my best to help..
Love Danielle and Bubble xx
hi my names beth and im in a very similar situation to you.my fella doesnt want me to have it but i dont know what to do.he is offering no support and is hardly seeing me now.my family are all supportive but i want him to be a part of it and am torn.do i get rid of it for him or what? :?: ]
hi im gemma i was the one who started this post board .Its taken me along time to realise this but guys come and go but if you keep this child it will always be around .As you grow old your child will always be there .If your partner cant see what hes got with you and your prospect child ,well then just get rid of him .As they say if you love them and let them go and they love you they'll come back .Good look .
gemma x
baby_j_21 said:
BabyBoyGreen said:
listen mama, i am 17 yrs old and will be having my first child right after my 18th birthday. but that is not what u wanna know right?? listen no matter how old u are or how long u have been with your boyfriend what u want and know u can handle is what matters. if your boyfriend can say that he was not involved then he is not ready to commit just yet..as a daddy anyway...my boyfriend and i have been together only 8 months and i am 6 months now...yeah it was hard to deal with it and my parents flew off the roof....especially my dad, but thats normal. but here is what to do..talk to you man first find out what he wants to do, let him know your side, then when that is clear go TOGETHER to tell your parents your decision. this way you get more respect from them and they see that u can be mature about things...if he does not go thru with it... talk to yur parents alone and let them know what u plan to do with your life with the baby. let me know how it goes....and GOOD LUCK!!!!! :lol:
im sorry but it does matter how old you are when your decideing to have children im 21 and havin my first child and i have a really strong relation ship with my partner but emotionly it is hard been pregnant everythin goes threw your head and women do my headin when they are saying i dont know what to do now weather to keeep the child or not IM SORRRY BUT USE CONTRACEPTION ITS FREE its hard but if you are willing to have sex with sumone u are in a relationship or a one night stand WITHOUT CONTRACEPTION you should know what the risks are i planned my child and i would never ever think about abortion thats my opinion thats another life a human growing with a heartbeat dont punish that childs life because you aint ready if you aint in a longterm relationship and u aint stable enough to bring a child into the world use comdomssssssssss sorry if i have afended anyone but if you dont want to get pregnant keep your legs closed or use contraception ...

Hi there i just wanted to point out that at the end of the day this is a teenage pregnancy site and they did not come on here to be judged! they came on here for help and advice being 19 i can understand this i wouldnt call 21 a teenager!! i'm not saying that you aint entitled to go where you want but dont judge these girls they are going through enough as it is and dont need comments like that!

Girls i think that at the end of the day a little mistake has created a tiny mirical and you are all doing wonderful jobs because you are asking for help! i am always here if you want to talk and bounce ideas off i wont judge you!! :D keep smiling girls and just remeber that what is happening to you is very special dont resent it! us girls are so strong and dont need anyone else really especially wen you hold your little one it will all be worth while!! hope this has help in some way

Loadza Luv

Liann and Sweetpea


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