can i wait that long?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2010
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Hi everyone,

I'm feeling a bit anxious at the mo, I saw my midwife on the weekend to be discharged :sad: - feels strange knowing I wont be seeing her anymore like everything that was to do with my daughter is being taken away. Anyway in between the tears of talking about how i'm coping & feeling, I asked her how long she thinks I should wait before ttc again - when I'll be physically ready after the section. In my head I was thinking 6 months but she said 12!!!!

I really dont feel I can wait that long I need that feeling back, It seems like a lifetime away :cry: I'm going to ask the dr when I see him for his opinion (hopefully he wont say the same time). I know it will be a while before I'm emotionally ready but thinking of ttc is the only thing that is keeping me going.
Sorry I've not been around for a while, my hubby is really not well so I have been trying to deal with this also.

We have been advised 12-18 months by the midwife, not seen doc yet. Should of seen him yesterday but we had to cancel due to the problems going on at home. I too don't feel I can wait that long, but my hubby is now saying he isn't ready to think about it after what's been going on this week. I feel so down as I was trying to focus on trying sometime this year.

On the up side I have read that this is the advice they give to all mothers following whichever mode of delivery they have had. It is recommended that women wait 12-18months before TTC again, but lots of people don't take this advice and have happy, healthy pregnancies. It's whatever feels right for both you and your OH

big hugs xxxxx
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